To be fair I haven't played this game. With that said, I don't think I ever will.
Last month I seen a 1/2hr long video by Carmack where he is on stage talking about the game pre-release and all excited about how great it is, and everyone was so excited, and clapping and stuff. But then I seen some video's on youtube, and I though, meh.... Well, last week a customer told me how awesome the game is on the Xbox 360, and it got me thinking "should I buy it?".... I checked out a few video's, nothing to long, and was instantly turned off.
Then I read this article, and thought it deserved another look. So I went on youtube and watched about 15 different video's. Now, they can say what they want to say, about it being a console port... They can say they did it because thats where the money is or whatever, and that PC is dying or whatever, but I don't think it's the truth.
The real reason I think they made it on the console first, is because they know it would have been shunned by the PC audience. Everyone thinks Carmack is like a god or something. And thats fine, back in the day he was a good programmer, maybe even a legend or whatever, but this game, IMO (not trying to hurt anyone's feelings), is horrible. Just because Carmack made this game, and he thinks it's awesome, doesn't mean it is.
Reason's why this game is bad:
1. boring
2. bad graphics (for a pc anyways), bad textures
3. dark, gloomy, feel's empty
4. nothing we haven't seen before, not a lot of imagination.
5. vehicles don't look like they drive realistically
6. slow game play
7. not a lot to look at, not a lot going on..
ect. ect.
(edit: oh yeah, forgot, bugs, glitches, oh, and music that I heard just doesn't set the mood for the game IMO.. Not even in the same league as some newer games like BF3, or modern warfare, Crysis 2, Skyrim, ect. ect. or even some older games. Doom 3 wasn't perfect, but at the time it was scary... So much more I want to say, but I'm gonna end it before it turns into a rant..)