raid 0 & temperature


Dec 31, 2007

What utility could I use to monitor the temperature of my
two hard disks?.

I have not been able to find anyone that works with RAID arrays.

My system: Intel 875P mobo + 2 SATA drives (Seagate).

There is no software utility you can use because there is no hardware to measure the temperature. So you need to get the hardware. If your motherboard has pins for it you can get a thermal diode and plug it into your motherboard and use the motherboard software to monitor it. Otherwise you can get front panel displays connected to a thermal diode which will monitor the temperature for you.

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I've got four WD drives...only one of them it seems is capable of reporting temps, that is the "JB" model. The "BB" models don't seem to report temps.

The program I use is HDD Thermometer...but if your drive doesn't, or can't report to S.M.A.R.T. then you won't get any readings.

Whether or not this will work with Seagates, and/or a RAID array I cannot say...

....WW (5.0)
I don't think you have to worry too much about seagate SATA drives heating up. Unless there is no fan in the case and they are right up to one another. RAID or no RAID the tempetures will be about the same. Unless you have 10,000 or 15,000 rpm hard drives you don't really have to worry much.

[mind went blank]