
Hey everybody! wondering if anybody had any benchmarks, or knew any helpful info on the topic. so corsair just released this new 3x2 gig set of ram at 1600 MHz, 1.65 volts, and 6-6-6-20 timings. i was wondering would this RA beat the other corsair RAM at 2000 MHz, 1.65 volts, and 8-8-8-24 timings?


Apr 20, 2007
I'd reckon the 2000MHz kit would still be faster - the timings are a little higher, but the clocks fire off faster.

To be honest though outside of synthetics there's never really been much performance gain on the X58 platform for going much past 1600MHz, so you'd probably be better off getting 1600MHz RAM at CAS8 and save some cash.

That being said, I do like Dominators so I'd appreciate a link to the new CAS6 kit!