Question Random micro fps drops/stutter


Jun 2, 2020
Random micro fps drops on league of legends for example im around 200fps average, all doe my fps are okay and usually always like that, i get these micros stutters sometimes, happens couple times in 1hr of gaming, pc is relatively new nothing oc'd, low usages of either cpu and gpu on most games, 20-25ish% league.
Amd ryzen 7 2700
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660
16gb ram, 2 sticks
1080p 144hz Samsung Gaming monitor
And my temps are perfectly fine when gaming..
any other info you guys need just write down there, ill do my best to provide them, i really need help please..
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Random micro fps drops on league of legends for example im around 160fps average, all doe my fps are okay and usually always like that, i get these micros stutters sometimes, happens couple times in 1hr of gaming, pc is brand new nothing oc'd, low usages of either cpu and gpu on most games, 20-25ish%.
Amd ryzen 7 2700
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660
16gb ram, 2 sticks
1080p 144hz Samsung Gaming monitor
And my temps are perfectly fine when gaming..
any other info you guys need just write down there, ill do my best to provide them, i really need help please..

Your CPU is not well-suited to high fps gaming. While it has plenty of cores and threads, it has low boost clocks and low IPC. This is probably what is giving you stutters.
Your CPU is not well-suited to high fps gaming. While it has plenty of cores and threads, it has low boost clocks and low IPC. This is probably what is giving you stutters.
What u talking about bro lmao, i was playing for 7-8 months so far with 0 problems on every game, on high fps(warzone 110-150(125 average), League at 200 average, rdr2 running perfect, pubg 120average ultra settings etc etc.. 10 days backwards this <Mod Edit> started to happen, my fps stays high, but sometimes i get milisec stutters, it just milisec stutter and gone, couple times in 1 hr of gameplay.. so i doubt its my ryzen which is actually good for gaming, but thanks for reply!
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