The Issue:
It's been almost two years now and i've had no problems whatsoever, but in recent months my Thermaltake Smart RGB 700W's fan had started making a mild rattling noise because it had gotten a tad loose, it did so just briefly and would stop by itself or just by being given a little flick on the case with the finger to adjust it. Might have been because of dust as i've neglected cleaning it in quite a lot of time, but before i even got a chance to do so the other day, i made the mistake of trying out bitcoin mining out of curioisty, that of course was a mistake as it stresses the PSU quite a lot compared to other daily PC activities, and so while being left to work on mining it got loose for good and now its making that noise constantly. Needless to say i am not compromising my PC's health again over mining anymore.
It's not that bad of a noise, it's really mild and almost covered by the wind blown by the other fans, but its like a fly in the ear y'know, a bit annoying once you notice it and know its there, especially when it originates from a vital component that could compromise all others, it bothers me mostly for that reason, i wouldn't want it to worsen and suddenly damage my rig without me being prepared. So i'd like to possibly sort out solution instead of ignoring it.
What i tried:
I've already opened it up to clean it of the ridiculous amount of dust and try fixing the small disturbance, so warranty isn't valid anymore, i again made a mistake by being too lazy to make use of the warranty and decided putting my hands on instead thinking it would've been a more immediate solution.
By taking the fan out i noticed it wobbled a bit and by powering it i had confirmation it was at fault, whenever it faced downwards (like it should inside the case), it made the noise as it rotated, ironically in all other positions it was as silent as ever, as gravity prevented the wobble. I did try and flip my rig because of this but hahaha, that has to be the crappiest solution one could come up with.
So, i did want to try to actually tighten and lubricate it, but i didn't get to do so, because unlike other fans this PSU's fan is COMPLETELY SEALED IN THICK PLASTIC and apparently un-detachable unless i try cutting it open, possibly destroying it in the process. I've seen a person's video in which they just "pop" out a Thermaltake fan with their fingers just by pushing it, i also tried that, but i either wasn't using enough force in fear of breaking it or there was actually no "pop" out function in mine.
Defeated, i put it back in place with the noise still present now as i'm writing this.
My questions for you:
So i was either thinking of asking if anybody knows how to detach this particular fan and/or fix the issue?
If anybody knows a good replacement fan to reccommend to me?
If anybody else got another PSU model reccomendation for me to replace my Thermaltake Smart RGB 700W, taking into account my other components are:
Motherboard - GIGABYTE b450 I AORUS PRO WIFI
CPU- Ryzen 7 3700X
GPU - RTX 2070 Super
I hate the idea that i'll have to spend the money and untagle all the PSU's cables and arrange new ones if this is gonna be it but if it's for the greater good i guess that's a must, that of the PC as a whole, i use it daily and it's essential for my work with 3D graphics software.
Please let me know your opinion about the issue of my PSU fan or if you have an answer to my questions, thank you!!!
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