Loaded them last night (the catalyst39winXP2K.exe version) ran for 24 hours without issue ,played a few sessions of Halo, surfed, and such. I was happy <b>UNTIL</b>..
I noticed that they don't appear to be CAT 3.9s or anything like them. They appear to be CAT 3.7 (that's what the cntrol panel says), and they lack the following;
- No VPU recovery.
- No 3D tab (seperate OGL and Direct 3D tabs)
- No Shader effects
- Same old options layout of the CAT 3.7s
So I uninstalled and tried the FIRST set ( the win-xp-2k-614106396.exe version), THIS is when I ran into problems. SAME outcome for the control panel and such. NOW here's the problem, when I went to unintall them from the add/remove panel I get a error in initializaing, so now you can't uninstall them through the normal fashon. WTF?!?
So I went into my Drivers folder, pulled out the full 3.8 version, and voila, I'm back to the good stuff.
If this is someone's joke due to the Cat 3.8 BS, then it's just lame. These don't appear to be 3.9s and they appear to have enough issues to skip altogether.
Oh well, it was worth experimenting, but I think I'll stick to reliable sources (I thought I could trust theGuRu).
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