There are a few issues: 1) People make claims without backing it up with proof, 2) People make blanket statements, when the reality is that certain games favor certain hardware, 3) People make a few FPS advantage seem like a "win", when it usually falls within the margin of error and makes no difference in terms of performance. 4)TH has sadly become filled with fanboys who sip red/green kool aid all day long they argue for days on end about these questions post out dated benchmarks try to use overclocking as some sort of "win", when there no such thing as a "guaranteed overclock", it's only possible they speak about it as if it's a for sure thing which is not only false it's misleading to the person asking for help.Then you have green team fan boys going on and on about amd drivers and there is nothing wrong with amd drivers these days two years ago sure they were horrible not now both amd fans and nv are just to bias it's really pathetic imo.You got a good deal the GTX 660 is a solid mid range card it's faster then a 7850 and littler bit slower then a 7870 since you wanted PhsX you made the right choice overall this site it's not even a good place to ask for advice imo as most people just get more confused from all the "nuh-uh", my card better then yours by 3% non sense.