Question Refurbished HDD - confused by data

Superficially at least, it looks fine.

But I'm say this is a "refurbished" drive.

Who knows what that means?

Crystal Disk Info says 25 total power on hours.

Does that mean it has been powered on 25 hours since the day it was manufactured?

Or 25 hours since "refurbishing", implying that the total power on hours has been reset at some point? Leaving you to wonder if it really has 20,000 hours on it?

I simply don't know how easily it is to reset those numbers or how much you can trust your vendor and its "refurbishing" process.

Where did you buy it?
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Bought it off Amazon.
The SMART data will be reset before they sell it... that's my guess.
25 Hours is the time it took to format the drive and doing some tests.
20k hours would not be a problem for me. I planned to use the drive for storing data for my home entertainment system. After writing video and audio to it, the main usage would be reading.
The price was pretty nice, so I gave it a shot.