
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

A new computer was setup using the wrong user name. How do you rename a
local user and have their directory change as well? If you go to
Administrative Tool / Comp Mgmt / Users and choose the user and rename it
the name changes, however the "home directory" in Documents and Settings
still remains the old name. If you try and rename the directory you get and
error stating that it is a system folder and cannnot be renamed.

Can someone help me with the correct way to do this?

Many thanks in advance


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

Comments inline:

Sarah M wrote:
> A new computer was setup using the wrong user name. How do you rename
> a local user and have their directory change as well?

You don't. Not in any one step. You could create the new username, log in
as that user, log out and back in as a different administrative user, use
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced tab -> Profiles section -> Settings
button to Copy to the new profile location the old profile information with
the proper rights needed for that new user to properly access the profile..

> If you go to
> Administrative Tool / Comp Mgmt / Users and choose the user and
> rename it the name changes, however the "home directory" in Documents
> and Settings still remains the old name. If you try and rename the
> directory you get and error stating that it is a system folder and
> cannot be renamed.
> Can someone help me with the correct way to do this?
> Many thanks in advance

<- Shenan ->
The information is provided "as is", it is suggested you research for
yourself before you take any advice - you are the one ultimately
responsible for your actions/problems/solutions. Know what you are
getting into before you jump in with both feet.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

Sarah M wrote:
> A new computer was setup using the wrong user name. How do you rename a
> local user and have their directory change as well? If you go to
> Administrative Tool / Comp Mgmt / Users and choose the user and rename it
> the name changes, however the "home directory" in Documents and Settings
> still remains the old name. If you try and rename the directory you get and
> error stating that it is a system folder and cannnot be renamed.
> Can someone help me with the correct way to do this?
> Many thanks in advance

The user profile folders (C:\Documents and Settings\Username)
_cannot_ be renamed, even if the associated user account has been.
So, your best course of action would be to log on using the built-in
Administrator account, create a new user account, with the username
desired. You can then delete the old user account(s).

HOW TO Create and Configure User Accounts in Windows XP

How to Copy User Data to a New User Profile


Bruce Chambers

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