roll call



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i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends

i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa

thank you for all of your help.

coach w
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I am a 14 yearold dishwasher who goes to school art WHHS in Honesdale,

I enjoy mindless killin on San Andreas and listening to Linkin Park. I
am a single white male. Wait this is not a dating thing my bad.
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On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 17:56:00 -0500, Coach Mike Wyatt wrote:

> i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.
> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
> thank you for all of your help.


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In message <> (Pecado Arcivers) wrote:

> Wait this is not a dating thing my bad.

And you still pressed "Send"!?!?!

..__ __ |__ |__ .|__ __ | Rob White, Half Man Half Biscuit.
| / \| \ | | || ||| /__\ |
| \__/|__/ |_|_|| |||__\___ | Wimbledon, London, England.
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Coach Mike Wyatt wrote:
> i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.
> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
> thank you for all of your help.
> coach w

I am from the North East of England, near the mouth of the River Tyne.
The town is called North Shields and is famous because Stan laurel
lived here for a time.
Paul (everybody hurts sometimes)
Stop and Look
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I'm from Niagara Falls, Canada. I work at Casino Fallsview which was just
build last year. I have been playing GTA since the first one was released
on the PS1. Never looked back.
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"Coach Mike Wyatt" <> wrote in message
>i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.
> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
> thank you for all of your help.
> coach w

I'm from Simi Valley, located just northwest of Los Angeles.
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I'm a 36 year old programmer in the UK, living in Birmingham and
working in Rotherham for my sins. I played my brother's copy of VC a
couple of years ago and got about two-thirds of the way through, I
bought a PS2 at Xmas and GTA:SA is still the only game I have for it.

Phil Hibbs.
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New Brunswick, Canada. Been GTA'ing for a year. I have GTA-3, Vice City,
and San Andreas. Me , my wife, her brother and his girlfriend love getting
together to cause mayhem and pass the missions.


"Tim" <> wrote in message
> I'm from Niagara Falls, Canada. I work at Casino Fallsview which was just
> build last year. I have been playing GTA since the first one was released
> on the PS1. Never looked back.
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In article <>,
<> wrote:
>I'm a 36 year old programmer in the UK, living in Birmingham and
>working in Rotherham for my sins.

Crikey! Wouldn't want your commute. That'll take you about, what, 3 hours
each way on a good day?
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Coach Mike Wyatt wrote:
> i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.

Great idea. =🙂

I'm 32, single and live alone.

I live in Switzerland, Europe in Schlieren[1]. That's a small
town near Zürich.

As a living, I work as a Unix-System- and Network-Administrator
at a small ISP[2]

CU, Martin

Archived from groups: (More info?) names M and I am a GTAaholic.....

Married, 33 years old, Optician, 1 kid & another on the way and I live in
bonny Dundee, Scotland.......

Been playing videogames since around 1976....GTA since GTA 1 on
GTA3 & VC on PC & XBox.......gotta a PSTwo just for GTASA.....(yes I am an
impatient bastard)


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Coach Mike Wyatt" <> wrote in message
> i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.
> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
> thank you for all of your help.
> coach w
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23 male, living IN San Andreas. I live in a suburb just north of
Philadelphia. Been GTA'ing since the first one was on the computer.


"Coach Mike Wyatt" <> wrote in message
> i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.
> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
> thank you for all of your help.
> coach w
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Live in the central Sierra Foothills of California (Sonora). I'm 62 and
make my living, such as it is, as an actor.

Bringing Plays and Stories
to Our Schools and Communities
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"Coach Mike Wyatt" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
>i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.
> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
> thank you for all of your help.
> coach w
I'm 42 married, father of two girls, work as accountant/consultant and
i'm living in Ticino - the italian speaking part of Switzerland.

Playing GTA since GTA3, other passtimes shooting, motorbiking, hiking
and newsgroup lurking.

an almost always friendly

PS : so far ...
3 Americans
2 Englishmen
2 Swiss
1 Canadian

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"Ghost" <friendly_cyber_ghost@hotmail.(nospam)com> wrote in message
> "Coach Mike Wyatt" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
>>i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
>> live.
>> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
>> thank you for all of your help.
>> coach w
> I'm 42 married, father of two girls, work as accountant/consultant and
> i'm living in Ticino - the italian speaking part of Switzerland.
> Playing GTA since GTA3, other passtimes shooting, motorbiking, hiking and
> newsgroup lurking.
> an almost always friendly
> Ghost
> PS : so far ...
> 3 Americans
> 2 Englishmen
> 2 Swiss
> 1 Canadian

3 Englishmen, matey.😉 I'm from Sunderland in the UK. I'm a Mackem - sorry I
didn't notice NORTH Shields, Paul.😉

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Coach Mike Wyatt wrote:
> i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.
> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
> thank you for all of your help.
> coach w

I'm 26, from Greater Manchester, UK (where it's been a little on the cold side
lately!) and work as an Admin Assistant on piss-poor pay - A great use of my
degree, I'm sure... I've been playing GTA since the first one (but not GTA2 -
doesn't work on my ancient PC :-( )

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"Coach Mike Wyatt" <> wrote in message
>i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.
> i coach boys basketball at carter middle in knoxville, tennesse usa
> thank you for all of your help.
> coach w

I'm from Waterford City in the Republic of Ireland.
I used to raid tombs religiously before I discovered the joys of autoing
grand thefts in the summer of 2003.
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lets see if i recollect?
a teacher and coach
a teenager who could be in my class at school
2 from california

what a group...

gta rocks
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2 hours going north, three going south, but I stay in a hotel which is
the main reason I bought a PS2 and GTA:SA.

Phil Hibbs.
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On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 17:56:00 -0500, (Coach Mike Wyatt)

25 years old from a "lovely" town in Essex called Dagenham. Lucky me
eh? Oh yeah and I play bass in a goth/rock band.


next gig: 8th April. Pressure Point, Brighton

Debut album Reach For The Ground available now.
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On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 17:56:00 -0500,
Coach Mike Wyatt <> wrote
in Msg. <>
> i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> live.

Hamburg, Germany. 36 yrs, physicist. Been playing GTA:VC since last spring
when I accidentally won a PS2 from my bank (for recruiting my wife as a
new customer -- I hadn't even known they had this lottery thing going).
Bought GTA:SA soon after it came out although I hadn't finished VC yet
because I wanted to see what the heck everybody on this NG was talking

I've never been much of a computer player and never had a video console.
Yet I sort of have the hunch that I'm never going to live without one
although I'm not playing much ;-)

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Daniel Haude wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 17:56:00 -0500,
> Coach Mike Wyatt <> wrote
> in Msg. <>
> > i have seen this in other ngs and wonder where my san andreas friends
> > live.
> Hamburg, Germany. 36 yrs, physicist. Been playing GTA:VC since last spring
> when I accidentally won a PS2 from my bank (for recruiting my wife as a
> new customer -- I hadn't even known they had this lottery thing going).
> Bought GTA:SA soon after it came out although I hadn't finished VC yet
> because I wanted to see what the heck everybody on this NG was talking
> about.
> I've never been much of a computer player and never had a video console.
> Yet I sort of have the hunch that I'm never going to live without one
> although I'm not playing much ;-)
> --D.

It's funny how much you miss them when they're gone. When we got our
first psone (we had other consoles before) I decided it was gathering
dust as we couldn't afford the games so I sold it... boy was that a
mistake. Luckily I managed to pick up another in just as good
condition not long after.

I like the fact that they seem to know no age boundaries. Everyone
from our four year old grandchild to ourselves (That's a 45 year gap)
play on the ps2 and xbox.
Paul (everybody hurts sometimes)
Stop and Look
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so the roll call has been a success? always one cynic in the group...

so how much are the playstations and games in europe?

anyone played gran turismo 4 yet?
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Coach Mike Wyatt wrote:
> so the roll call has been a success? always one cynic in the group...
> so how much are the playstations and games in europe?
In England the machine on its own is around £99, though some companies
offer a free game etc. I had to pay a little more, with a game at xmas
as my old machine gave up while trying to play SA. Games vary, with
the cheapest new games being platinum on offer, 2 for £30, and the
most expensive around £40. I'd do the conversion into dollars but
maths was never my strong point

> anyone played gran turismo 4 yet?

It seems to be getting slammed by many who have, if you take a look in
the ps2 newsgroups.

Complaints from lack of multiplayer online, bad physics (though the
description of cars being heavy on corners sounds like the last game
to me)but mainly some problem with visual flickering at odd times.
Seems they have designed the game to run at a very high dpi for HDTVs
but depending on your settings there is judder.

Having said this other people seem more than happy with it and point
to improvements... and the return of the second hand cars!!!

Paul (everybody hurts sometimes)
Stop and Look