Question RTX 2060 super good for streaming on 1 monitor?

Nov 16, 2019
Will I get good streaming performance on RTX 2060 super with Ryzen 5 3600 & 16 GB SSD?
such as streaming fortnite or fifa on the same monitor.
I think i will buy a 1080p@60hz so what do you think?
You should be looking at an R7 2700x at the bare minimum if you want to stream on one machine. If you can, split the streaming duty onto another system/build. If you want the same system to do everything, you're going to have to add more oomph to the build's parts.
You should be looking at an R7 2700x at the bare minimum if you want to stream on one machine. If you can, split the streaming duty onto another system/build. If you want the same system to do everything, you're going to have to add more oomph to the build's parts.
Is the R7 2700x at the same price as the R5 3600? And is the 60hz Monitor enough for the graphics card 2060 super?