People need to get over this "user error" garbage. I have been saying since BEFORE the first case of 4090 melting that this cable was not capable of 600W, not even close. The very first time I laid eyes on that cable, and saw those tiny pins, I KNEW KNEW KNEW KNEW KNEW this was NEVER going to work. The standard 8-pin never had this problem. Its been a reliable standard for years. Suddenly, new cable melts.... "Oh, you're plugging it in wrong" ..... like all of us who spent 15+ years plugging in 8-pin cables suddenly forgot how to plug in a cable. This is straight forward logic. I have been saying it for 3 years now and I will say it again: NVidia, its time to own your mistake, stop blaming the user, and fix the problem. But hey, blaming the user is cheaper than fixing the problem. Hats off to AMD for sticking to the 8-pin