Last summer I bought brand new pc for 750€ . Here are the specs: Ryzen 5 2600 (with stock cooler), 16 GB RAM HYPER X (1x16GB, 3200mhz), asrock b450m pro 4 F, ASROCK RX 590, Samsung NVMe 250GB, WD 1TB HDD, Zalman ZM600-LX and it is all in NZXT H500. First of all, I didnt know that what coil-whine was, so I wasnt giving attention to it, until everything started collapsing. I get huge ammount of errors and windows crashes (Minimum 1 Windows crash per day and lots of other applications crashing). Settings dont really matter. On mafia 3 1920x1080: Low settings- approximately 25 minutes without crash. Everything on high- approximately 5 minutes without crash. FPS are the same on both settings, because I have the VSync on. Please help me. I was already suggested to reclaim my psu, but can It be GPU dying if It is already second (reclaimed) asrock RX590? What should I do, reclaim GPU and PSU or only PSU ? If you want, I can record the coil-whine without vsync.This is the windows reliability monitor, and I could see, that the windows was crashing because of not specified hardware problems