I have RX580 xt 8GB XFX GPU. It came with mining BIOS as default. I noticed after 2 days and switched to normal BIOS, which rises the GPU clock from 1130MHz to 1366MHz.
And here's the problem. With higher clocks, I start to see higher temperatures, but that's fine. But the GPU started to make weird noises when under load. The noises starts when temperature reaches cca. 65°C. It also immediately stops and starts, when I switch off and on the game tab.
Could it be possibly coil whining? I'm 100% sure it's not the fan.
Here's the sound (lauder IRL)
View: https://soundcloud.com/user-62340273/33438a
I have RX580 xt 8GB XFX GPU. It came with mining BIOS as default. I noticed after 2 days and switched to normal BIOS, which rises the GPU clock from 1130MHz to 1366MHz.
And here's the problem. With higher clocks, I start to see higher temperatures, but that's fine. But the GPU started to make weird noises when under load. The noises starts when temperature reaches cca. 65°C. It also immediately stops and starts, when I switch off and on the game tab.
Could it be possibly coil whining? I'm 100% sure it's not the fan.
Here's the sound (lauder IRL)
View: https://soundcloud.com/user-62340273/33438a