Question Ryzen 2600 getting hot while playing BF5

Feb 17, 2019
I just bought a ryzen 2600 last week and the perfomance has been great. But I noticed while playing bf5 that my room felt hotter than normal. I checked my temps and it was 82c. While playing other games it never gets that hot. I play in 1440p.
Gtx 1080
Ryzen 2600 with stock cooler
16gb ram
NZXT H500i
Asrock b350m pro4 motherboard
I'd say the GTX1080 would be contributing more to heat in a room than the 2600 is...; if that were the case, you'd likely feel warm air being exhausted from the case if you have exhaust fans...

(Remember, some CPU temps are reported 13C or so above what they actually are on the 2000-series CPUs so that fan curves stay ahead...)
I'd say the GTX1080 would be contributing more to heat in a room than the 2600 is...; if that were the case, you'd likely feel warm air being exhausted from the case if you have exhaust fans...

(Remember, some CPU temps are reported 13C or so above what they actually are on the 2000-series CPUs so that fan curves stay ahead...)
I was using msi afterburner to check temps. Could it have been off?
Not sure how well your particular case model is ventilated, but, generally at least one good intake and one good exhaust is sufficient....barring a case with known restricted air intake , etc...

(Can you feel warm air exiting the exhaust fan? Enough so that it would tend to warm an entire room?)
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The front panel doesn't allow any proper air flow for air coolers, case is more ideal for water.

Ideal air flow is 1 or 2 front fans.

Where is your intake fan located? Looking at the case there is a vented area up top but this wouldn't work well at all as an intake.

Modding case might be an idea.

Or keep the side panel off.
The NZXT H500i only comes with rear and top exhaust fans. You need to get 2 front intake fans. I hope you used good quality thermal paste and it was applied correctly. Remember to clean the front side and bottom dust filters.
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Try using Vsync if you're not using the extra fps. And try other games too, some games are more CPU intensive I guess but still. I only get that much with OC and no fps limit, then my CPU and GPU can go crazy and do whatever they like.

Still 82 will not kill your PC. Tho maybe try reapplying the thermal paste. Or get a better cooler. I have a super cheap 20 euro cooler and my own paste, when I reapplied on my old 4770k I dropped to 35 idle and 65 max with OC +500 during most games.
Leaving the side panel off isn't recommended since other components won't be cooled properly.

Adding two front fans is better than nothing. Modifying that case will ruin it if you don't have the proper tools.

Don't enable Vsync if playing online as it will give you input lag.
That case doesn't have provisionals for ventilated front fans, thats why i posted that video. This case has two exhausts, where does the air come from? From tiny gaps i guess but is very limited. An open case would help prevent inside becoming an oven.
You shouldn't have to alter the case, get two 140mm fans in the front as intake.

This is what my H500 case looks like, it really needs the two 140mm fans as intake.

One last thing I recommend doing is going into Origin and verifying the game files for BF5 since it's the only game that makes your CPU run so hot although this could also be due to the core/thread requirement of BF5 but still double checking the files may help.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 140 PWM 61.2 CFM 140mm Fan ($12.90 @ Amazon)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 140 PWM 61.2 CFM 140mm Fan ($12.90 @ Amazon)
Total: $25.80
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-21 15:43 EST-0500
You shouldn't have to alter the case, get two 140mm fans in the front as intake.

This is what my H500 case looks like, it really needs the two 140mm fans as intake.

One last thing I recommend doing is going into Origin and verifying the game files for BF5 since it's the only game that makes your CPU run so hot although this could also be due to the core/thread requirement of BF5 but still double checking the files may help.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 140 PWM 61.2 CFM 140mm Fan ($12.90 @ Amazon)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 140 PWM 61.2 CFM 140mm Fan ($12.90 @ Amazon)
Total: $25.80
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-21 15:43 EST-0500
Thank you for this picture. I'm only using the fans that came with the case. I'm thinking about getting two for the front and new cpu cooler. I don't know if I want a aio because of the chance it could leak.

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