Question Ryzen 7 1700 Cpu vs amd rx570 Gpu for Rendering | Blender

May 29, 2018
I ve been searching for some time now and cant find whether ryzen 7 1700 will perform better than the rx570 in rendering in most cases the cpu would be overclocked and im not going to buy an overclockable mobo for now...Im asking cuz i might save money buying a smaller gpu(?) cuz i really want those 8 cores that 1700 is offering at that price
Thanks for your time!!!!
That's a tough one. Blenchmark was still active at the time when I had to make this decision, but I recently its results being questioned. The Blender devs have run some benchmarks but they're not easy to find (even Google is hit-and-miss), and don't seem to be collected in an easy to find manner.

But what I can say is rendering with my Ryzen 5 1600 is faster than my GTX 1070 ti; but running a standard benchmark render the GPU is faster.