Samsung TFT LCD & TV Tuner vs. TFT LCD


Mar 1, 2002
I am quite confused with these two products. They seem almost exactly the same but the specifications are quite different from eachother. All I'm trying to do is figure out which one is better?

LCDs you mentioned are monitors
TV tuner is usually a PCI card where you install in your computer, hook it up to a cable and you can watch TV on ur computer.
No. I think you got this a little mixed up. Both are TFT LCD monitors but have different specifications. If you head to:

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

you will find the two types of products
It is even more complicated than that. Samsung makes:
-lcd tvs
-lcd pc monitors
-lcd pc monitor/tv combo
-lcd pc monitor/hdtv combo (called a mutli-function display)

A couple of days ago I bought the syncmaster 151MP. It is the 15 inch hdtv/pc monitor combo. It was pretty pricey, but i'm hoping it will have a faster pixel response time because of the high definition tv tuner. I havent tried it as a pc monitor yet because the parts for my new computer haven't arrived yet.
So far though, it looks pretty good. I've hooked it up to my ps2 and notice no bluring or ghosting in medal of honor on it, but the ps2 outputs a horrible resolution so it may not be evident yet. As soon as I get my new box hooked up I'll post a more comprehensive review.