Say Goodbye to the "I'm a Mac/I'm a PC" Ads!

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John Hodgeman isn't all that funny outside of these adds (if you can ignore the lack of reality in them) and I just hope this doesn't leave him more time to appear on The Daily Show. He is the only one on TDS whose bits I fast forward through.
Great news! Those commercials are responsible for my 100% Apple ban. Now if Apple EVER creates a product I want... there's a 20% chance I'll purchase it.
I'm sorry, but after watching that PS3 vs Wii Youtube video, I just forgot all about the above article I read seconds before hand. What I wouldn't do with that blonde! She is so f******* hot! I'd handle her every day and night, even more so than the Wii Console. Hehe. 🙂
MACs didn't lie mrddr. I mean think about it since macs are also PC they have just been having a conversation with themselves think fight club.
I can't believe that Apple was allowed to run such dishonest and misleading ads for so long, and that they are actually stopping them under their own will instead of being forced too. I've never seen commercials so filled with half truths and blatant lies before.
Good Riddance.

Maybe they'll actually put out some advertisement that boasts their products technological advancement or something.

Or an ad showing how overpriced and underspecced most of their laptops are. $1300? well, you can buy a macbook w\ a 13'' screen and a 2 year old core2 duo cpu... or you can buy a 'pc' laptop w\ an i7 quad, and 17-19'' lcd.
The few of them I saw were always so woefully out of context they were a little funny, although I could see a non-savvy consumer buying a Crapple over it and then feeling short-changed at what it couldn't do.
whenever a company makes an add with the sole purpose of bashing their competitor, it always reminds me of politicians... and well, you know i never buy their sh*t...
[citation][nom]masop[/nom]I'm sorry, but after watching that PS3 vs Wii Youtube video, I just forgot all about the above article I read seconds before hand. What I wouldn't do with that blonde! She is so f******* hot! I'd handle her every day and night, even more so than the Wii Console. Hehe. 🙂[/citation]
Geesh, this isn't a free porn video comment section. Keep it in your pants.
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