
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

I keep getting a message saying Error: Script runtime errors. Media not
ready. Please report this....so i hit the OK ...then i get Media not ready
(member 4 of castLib2)......then i hit OK again.....but it keeps repeating
itself over and over again. Just suddenly started happening on a site i use
on a regular basis. Is there any solution to this problem?????
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

Try opening internet options,advanced,chk the box "disable script debugging"
"disable other",then uncheck the box "display script errors",close out.

"levontina" wrote:

> I keep getting a message saying Error: Script runtime errors. Media not
> ready. Please report this....so i hit the OK ...then i get Media not ready
> (member 4 of castLib2)......then i hit OK again.....but it keeps repeating
> itself over and over again. Just suddenly started happening on a site i use
> on a regular basis. Is there any solution to this problem?????
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

Thanks for the suggestion Andrew....but the "disable script debugging" and
the "disable other" are both checked and "display a notification about every
script error" is unchecked.....all just as you suggested.....so there is
nothing to change in that area.....so i'm thinking there must be some other
reason i'm getting this error all the time. Any more
suggestions???...................................Thanks again

"levontina" wrote:

> I keep getting a message saying Error: Script runtime errors. Media not
> ready. Please report this....so i hit the OK ...then i get Media not ready
> (member 4 of castLib2)......then i hit OK again.....but it keeps repeating
> itself over and over again. Just suddenly started happening on a site i use
> on a regular basis. Is there any solution to this problem?????