Question Service Host: Windows Audio Endpoint Builder crashing audio and net


Oct 16, 2013
Hy everyone, for some reason I keep getting "Service Host: Windows Audio Endpoint Builder" on my task manager processes, also the fan can be heard, after this happens the audio stops and if I'm watching a video on Youtube the video stutters and freezes, if I'm playing game starts freezing and then in both cases lose audio until I restart my computer, sometimes I need to do it several time until this process is gone. I don't know why it's popping, only happens when I plug my headphones in the front jack of my computer after a few mins of use, the rear jack works without issues. What could be the problem?



If you build you pc head to the motherboards wed site download new copy of the audio driver.

Than remove the current installation of audio driver. I normally remove audio drivers from the device manager. Once the old drivers are removed reboot than install the newly downloaded driver See if it helps.