Should Obama be Impeached

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That's an easy belief for the Mark Dice, Alex Jones and Bill Cooper types, it's also largely a banal money making theory that panders to big egos.(everyone's a sheeple except for me, i get it and if you don't get it then you're a slave sheep ). Now the argument could be made that political influences are largely dictated by monetary incentive(i don't think anyone really denies that). And that fundamentally the elites are following a hedonistic framework that harms those below them. Certainly presidents and governments tends to sit surreptitious and opaque, but that's kind of a long standing theme and it exists for various reasons. Yet within that deck of choices a New World Order is not a reasonable pick, it's a simplistic answer that slurps up the gullible.


Depending on what watch-dog group you reference, there are anywhere from 13 to 64 "impeachable" offenses.

There are 25 well documented instances (some already with a ruling by the SCOTUS) of Obama breaking the law, violating the Constitution, and/or otherwise abusing the Power of the Executive Branch. Any one of the following are cause enough for impeachment.

1 - IRS targeting political groups that are contrary to the Administration's agenda
2- The DOJ attacking the 1st Amendment by investigating reporters from the Associated Press and Fox News after publishing articles contrary to the Administration's agenda.
3 - Failure to uphold federal immigration law
4 - Failure to enforce the 2006 Secure Fence Act
5 - Abuse of Executive Orders to curtail the 2nd Amendment and limit the citizens ability to a Constitutional right.
6 - Directing Health and Human Services to issue mandates that health insurance providers must provide abortion-inducing drugs as part of the ACA; this is a direct violation of the 1993 Religious Freedom Act as well as a direct violation of the ACA law itself.
7 - Documented bribery of Senator Nelson of Nebraska and Senator Landrieu to vote to pass the ACA.
8 - Operation Fast & Furious...'nuff said!
9 - Directing the FCC to regulate the internet despite a court order stating that the FCC does not have the power to regulate the internet.
10 - DOJ rejecting State voter ID statutes in direct violation of the Constitution and of the Voting Rights Act.
11 - Directing the EPA to impose Cross-State Air Pollution Rules without regard for the State of Texas's right to due process to respond to the regulation before passage and enforcement
12 - Violation of the 10th Amendment by suing Arizona for enforcing federal immigration law
13 - DOJ suing the State of Alabama's over State level immigration reform laws.
14 - Obama Administration made "recess appointments" to the NLRB when Congress was not in recess with the Obama Administration subsequently ignoring the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling stating that the appointments were unconstitutional.
15 - Directing the EEOC to interfere with a church in Michigan by forcing them to select a minister that did not agree with church doctrine.
16 - the Obama Administration arbitrarily broke federal law, violated various contracts, and directed the DOE to derail the Yucca Mountain project costing the tax payer an estimated $31 Billion
17 - Through Executive Order, in violation of due process, usurping the Powers of Congress, and abusing the powers of the Executive Office, gutted the work requirements of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act passed by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton
18 - Directed the Dept. of Interior to illegally grant "reservation status" of 54 acres in Glendale, Arizona, to an Indian Nation to build a casino in direct violation of the will of the people of the State of Arizona and violation fo the 10th Amendment
19 - Bail out of General Motors, Chrysler which the Obama Administration illegally short-changed bond holders in favor or Labor Unions in direct violation of federal bankruptcy laws, a bail out that ultimately cost the tax payers $53 Billion
20 - Exposing the identity and method of operation of the Navy SEAL team that conducted the raid that killed Osama-bin-Laden. Shortly after the exposure, 22 SEALs were shot down and killed in Afghanistan. It is a direct violation of federal law for the President or any American to reveal classified military secrets.
21 - Established an extra-constitutional "kill list" of people that included American citizens who could be killed on sight without due process of law, a direct violation of the 5th Amendment
22 - Violated the WARN Act by coercing defense contractors to not announce layoffs in the months before the 2012 election.
23 - Violated the War Powers Act by intervening in Libya in 2011
24 - Benghazi!
25 - The Obama Administration falsely identified family members as "Senior Staff Members of the White House" and used tax payer dollars to pay for their vacations.


the new world order is a joke. theres no formal group of people sitting in a big lair around a big desk pulling strings, thats just too easy an explanation. instead its supposed to allude to an idea, and an idea that does make sense. You dont *need* a formal group when like interests converge. George Carlin really said it best.

well "families" tend to hold wealth and power, and different "families" will always have economically beneficial ties, but its not necessarily pre-determined ties, just matter of fact. Take the Bush family and the Bin Laden family for example. cant say how or why, but we know that there are ties between them.

Abusing the powers of his position are grounds for impeachment.

From the Federalist Papers, the grounds for impeachment are as follows; (1) real criminality, breaking a law; (2) abuses of power; (3) violation of public trust.

Generally speaking, Congress has issued Articles of Impeachment for acts in three general categories; (1) Exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office; (2) Behavior grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office; (3) Employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.

Based on what has gone on during the past 6 years of the Obama Administration, Obama has met all the above criteria.


You must operate from the proof of the claim first and then work up from there, it's similar to God and Lockness monster claims. The default position is disbelief until proven otherwise. Anybody could be right, but there is an actual method to determining the truth or likeliness of a claim and those people that i have mentioned have not made any sufficient case, They operate from the view that a NWO exists and then just start assigning that to issues in the world. In their world almost no one can be angry at the U.S., it's always the governing powers in full effect.

It certainly could be possible, but it also depends on how you define what a New World Order is, you have the "everyone is going to FEMA camps and Sandy Hook was done by the government" types and you also have the "the government is in bed with corporations which is influencing politics and more". The latter being a more reasonable individual.
Well there is plenty of past U.S Government "Testing/Trials" on multiple rather alarming areas... you can't deny that....So its safe to assume that is done with and would never ever be secretly looked into/contemplated again? I feel it would be just too Naive to trust/believe that....


I agree with that to an extent. Just look at the Tuskegee Experiments, where the U.S. government gave black farmers syphilis to see what the untreated affects looked like. They told them it was free government healthcare:

How can anyone love their country after something like that?, and after Agent Orange and the My Lai Massacres in Vietnam. But none of this still gives credence to a NWO, it's just odious government programs. And other things they don't talk much about.
The ACA which he over rid the constitution of mandating employers to pay a fine if they did not sign up in a certain amount of time.Trading 5 important terror enemies for BB.

Isn't that the way almost every thread ends up Marv, so far down a side road the original topic is a forgotten memory! :pfff:

Who is pulling his strings I presume George Sorros is one of them and the backings of Wall Street also.


Marv, If we knew the exact answer to that question he probably would be impeached along with every president we've ever had.

I don't think we've had a president in a long time that was 100% about the people, and not about lining his pocket pleasing some organization behind the scenes, they say whatever to get elected but seem to forget all that and sometimes completely reverse their campaign policies, Why?

It seems to me after John F. Kennedy was openly publicly, shock and awe, assassinated, No one would have wanted to be the president of the United States?

It has long not been about, "Of the people, By the people, For the people", but more like what can being president do for you, so the days of, "Ask not what this country can do for you, but what you can do for this country!", are long gone!

It's an inevitable result in a political system that sleeps with corporations and is lead my monetary incentive. People scream about how they want a Washington or Jefferson type (though they were heavily flawed as well) but in contemporary politics such a person couldn't exist, it would go against what the system is structured on. How can you ever have peace if we have organizations that make money off of selling war planes and tanks?. Presidential positions aren't for those with ideas, it's a position reserved for wealthy lawyers and businessmen. Jefferson wrote prophetically with one hand but whipped the backs of his slaves with the other, they're all fundamentally flawed. To expect more is to want a completely different system, possibly something other then capitalism (because convictions are easily bought and sold).

Since Woodrow Wilson and the rise of progressive politics in America...


Progessivism has contributed immensely to the improvement and equality of our society. It was a fundamental rejection of traditional thinking and conservative values that has shaped both the world socially as well as intellectually.

While I agree that progressivism has played a positive role in moving some aspects of American society forward; the fact is, the end result of most, if not all, Progressive legislation has been the complete opposite of what it was intended to accomplish. For example; the War on Poverty has cost the tax payers Billions with no appreciable end or reduction of poverty in America. Social Security is a generation or two away from bankruptcy. The Federal Reserve in collusion with Progressive politicians has debt spent America to the verge of default. Progressive ideals intended to give people more control over their lives has destroyed republicanism in favor of a over reaching centralized federal government. The ideal of social equality has effectively segregated minority groups in an effort to make them more equal. The notion of social justice has only served to destroy personal responsibility rather than ensure equal treatment under the law. The welfare state has not in enabled a means for people to improve their station in life but created generations of citizens reliant on the government for a subsistence. The Department of Education in an effort to standardize educational standards has only achieved increased spending on education while America has slipped in the world educational standings. The belief that the Constitution is a "living document" has rejected the Article 5 Amendment process in favor of an activist Supreme Court and an over reaching Executive Branch. I could go on...

So, as stated, I agree that progressivism has played a positive role in the past moving America forward, however, the politics of progressivism are past their due and have only achieved to steer America away from it's founding principles, devalue the Constitution as the law of the land, and has disenfranchised generations of Americans from realizing their natural right to liberty.

Politicians still have yet to understand that the poor socioeconomic conditions certain people (not just minorities, i am a minority and i have never suffered such a fate.) are subjected to contribute to a perpetual behavior. You can't pull yourself up from your bootstraps if you can't afford bootstraps. There's a simplistic and banal notion that is repeated as a mantra by the contemporary right wing that is in contradiction to the way they vote and think. They want the ability to halt crime but don't understand that crime is largely a result of scarcity, so they go sell drugs and make thousands in a single day rather then go make minimum wage. Cows don't fight for their food because they have the whole earth to feed upon, but if you have 6 cows and only a single patch of grass, you'll see them biting at each other because scarcity produces incentive to get aggressive. In a capitalistic system in which we have hierarchy, how can you possibly not want people to receive government funds?, it's a fundamental framework in a binary system, and it's hard to cross if people are burning the bridges.

I actually see the Constitution as an archaic and immaterial document, it fits within a certain political, social and technological climate. It's a document that will be continuously fighting to stay relevant into the future, as laws are created as a result of an inability to solve problems. No one would need a 2nd or 13th amendment because the conditions that caused those paradigms to exist are no longer with us. Now of course i'm talking about a world in which there would be no need for guns or prisons. Something even progressives wouldn't agree with me.
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