Ijack :
Still no answer to what the crime that justifies impeachement is? It figures.
Depending on what watch-dog group you reference, there are anywhere from 13 to 64 "impeachable" offenses.
There are 25 well documented instances (some already with a ruling by the SCOTUS) of Obama breaking the law, violating the Constitution, and/or otherwise abusing the Power of the Executive Branch. Any one of the following are cause enough for impeachment.
1 - IRS targeting political groups that are contrary to the Administration's agenda
2- The DOJ attacking the 1st Amendment by investigating reporters from the Associated Press and Fox News after publishing articles contrary to the Administration's agenda.
3 - Failure to uphold federal immigration law
4 - Failure to enforce the 2006 Secure Fence Act
5 - Abuse of Executive Orders to curtail the 2nd Amendment and limit the citizens ability to a Constitutional right.
6 - Directing Health and Human Services to issue mandates that health insurance providers must provide abortion-inducing drugs as part of the ACA; this is a direct violation of the 1993 Religious Freedom Act as well as a direct violation of the ACA law itself.
7 - Documented bribery of Senator Nelson of Nebraska and Senator Landrieu to vote to pass the ACA.
8 - Operation Fast & Furious...'nuff said!
9 - Directing the FCC to regulate the internet despite a court order stating that the FCC does not have the power to regulate the internet.
10 - DOJ rejecting State voter ID statutes in direct violation of the Constitution and of the Voting Rights Act.
11 - Directing the EPA to impose Cross-State Air Pollution Rules without regard for the State of Texas's right to due process to respond to the regulation before passage and enforcement
12 - Violation of the 10th Amendment by suing Arizona for enforcing federal immigration law
13 - DOJ suing the State of Alabama's over State level immigration reform laws.
14 - Obama Administration made "recess appointments" to the NLRB when Congress was not in recess with the Obama Administration subsequently ignoring the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling stating that the appointments were unconstitutional.
15 - Directing the EEOC to interfere with a church in Michigan by forcing them to select a minister that did not agree with church doctrine.
16 - the Obama Administration arbitrarily broke federal law, violated various contracts, and directed the DOE to derail the Yucca Mountain project costing the tax payer an estimated $31 Billion
17 - Through Executive Order, in violation of due process, usurping the Powers of Congress, and abusing the powers of the Executive Office, gutted the work requirements of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act passed by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton
18 - Directed the Dept. of Interior to illegally grant "reservation status" of 54 acres in Glendale, Arizona, to an Indian Nation to build a casino in direct violation of the will of the people of the State of Arizona and violation fo the 10th Amendment
19 - Bail out of General Motors, Chrysler which the Obama Administration illegally short-changed bond holders in favor or Labor Unions in direct violation of federal bankruptcy laws, a bail out that ultimately cost the tax payers $53 Billion
20 - Exposing the identity and method of operation of the Navy SEAL team that conducted the raid that killed Osama-bin-Laden. Shortly after the exposure, 22 SEALs were shot down and killed in Afghanistan. It is a direct violation of federal law for the President or any American to reveal classified military secrets.
21 - Established an extra-constitutional "kill list" of people that included American citizens who could be killed on sight without due process of law, a direct violation of the 5th Amendment
22 - Violated the WARN Act by coercing defense contractors to not announce layoffs in the months before the 2012 election.
23 - Violated the War Powers Act by intervening in Libya in 2011
24 - Benghazi!
25 - The Obama Administration falsely identified family members as "Senior Staff Members of the White House" and used tax payer dollars to pay for their vacations.