Ijack :
Some people seem to have so much trouble with the concept of a non-white president; the mind boggles to think how they will squeal when a woman is elected. 😉
Obama not being white is irrelevant, to me it was an opportunity for the black race to show they could do it better, (if they could?), because one of my black friends was always crying and whining about how the whites were so privileged.
I thought it was a great day when Obama was elected so my friend could finally have the advantages he seemed to think he needed, when I questioned him regarding Obamas progress he claimed he wasn't a true black man but nothing but a Zebra.
I was like, WHAT?
At least he is half black representing you?
What would you ever be satisfied with?
I plainly stated my views earlier in the thread so there's no need for me to repeat them and I was hoping for some great things from Obama, but my disillusionment came from his 2 month absence from the Gulf Oil Disaster, then every time it seemed something critical was happening he is on vacation playing golf somewhere.
Obamacare is a total farce, it is going to be the worst thing he accomplished in his term of office and in time those Obama flag wavers are going to get the picture.
But does that warrant impeachment, or this latest media debacle, No!
The president of the United States is just a puppet, the real problem is the power pulling his strings!