CDdude55 :
4Ryan6 :
CDdude55 :
No one would need a 2nd or 13th amendment because the conditions that caused those paradigms to exist are no longer with us.
I pretty much agree with everything but that statement.
US citizens may soon face the same circumstances they broke away from, that required those amendments in the first place.
That feels like Bill Cooper/Alex Jones talk, i posted already about how the government has committed odious acts, but that it doesn't warrant some sort of large government attack on it's own people. Not only that but gun manufacturing would be nonexistent, there would be no resources used to create weapons to harm others. It's a chain of events in which current weapons will be grandfathered out and guns would no longer be needed since scarcity would be irradiated (which is possible since we have an overabundance of resources, they just aren't distributed properly).
Also, don't look to amendments to relegate behavior, it's similar to saying that if didn't have the 1st amendment then that somehow warrants certain humans to control what i say or not, there has to be a universal understanding of the humans right to life and their ability to live it imbedded into the culture, no paper needs to relegate this. If the Constitution was burned and gone tomorrow does that then imply the loss of humans rights?, why?, why can't humans attempt to do what's best for themselves and if others try to impede on that we ensure that it doesn't work, that they can't create a dictatorship, autocracy etc?. The culture will continue to evolve and change, and people will continue to try to regulate it by fitting it into the narrower and narrower hole of a document that is currently over 200 years old, and in the future it'll be 500 years old and then 1000 years old, should we still see the document as a critical piece of freedom over 1000 years from now? or should we just keep diluting it but adding endless amendments in order to fit with a brand new world?. It's time to stop dragging the blanket around and grow up.
I have not read every single word posted in this thread, so my comments may seem from left field, but I have read what you just posted.
Regarding the first paragraph, it may not warrant a large government attack on it's own people, but that does not mean it won't eventually happen!
Especially if the sheeple are half sided against the gun owners of this country, which will not just hand over their home defense weapons, some will of course voluntarily hand over their guns, but the mass majority of gun owners you'll have to kill to get their guns.
The gun owner mentality is different, their reasoning is different, their mindset to protect their family is different, they do not rely on the local municipality or government to protect their families.
The non gun owner relies on the police to protect them when sometimes the police can actually become the enemy, totally convinced they're doing the right thing.
A concept of a perfect world which seems to me like you'd like to see, just is not going to happen with imperfect people!
I agree the Constitution is old and outdated, and it was never meant to be used this long in the first place, its writers knew it would loose its validity over time and would need to be completely rewritten, but the sheeple are afraid of major change.
Do you really think if all were provided to the entire population there would be no crime?
I don't think we'll be living in a state of nirvana any time soon, so rules are still necessary, and they'll keep amending the Constitution, why are there so many complaints but no solid solutions!