Rogue Leader :
maikutech :
Then I'll leave it to you learn, I'm not going to waste my time trying to help someone who doesn't want to learn.
I linked you that so you could see what all the skylake cpus are out there.
You mentioned you wanted to rebuild again, so there is your reference chart.
Good luck.
He never said he wants to take it apart and rebuild it, he JUST built the computer, he enjoys building and said maybe wants to build another.
I've never seen such a simple post twisted so far into circles in my entire time here. You literally just offended yourself.
What is your problem lately if you read my post right, you would understand properly that I was giving him an idea to use for future use.
Thats why I said that to him, if he doesn't like the machine he has during the year, he can rebuild from what parts he wants or do a full build.
😵 I bet you that staff room is a nut house, you guys sure do scrap alot.