Sick of Apple News on Tom's Hardware? Read This

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I just like to click on links with Gay abandonment, never know what surprise will open in my browser..

Sorry Tuan that your thoughtful gesture has not turned out so great judging my the comments left already.... but hey that is life, its not like anyone pays for the news here on why the sad grumbles and poo me down ipad comments all the time I dont know!!!

Better luck next time with trying to please your readers, at least some of us get it!!!


Oct 21, 2002
[citation][nom]tuannguyen[/nom]This doesn't include Tom's Guide, since Tom's Guide focuses on consumer products and not enthusiast hardware like Tom's Hardware does. [/citation]

This is the problem Tuan, why is Toms Hardware who in your own words 'focuses on enthusiast hardware' is reporting on a mainstream mass market, self contained product. This is why you see negative feedback in the comments section because this just doesn't appeal to enthusiasts.

Just look at some of the news items that you allow your reporters to upload on both Hardware and Guide -

VOTW: A 2-year-old Goes Hands-on with the iPad

Airport Security OKs the iPad, Thinks it Has No CPU
Regular iPad Went on Sale on eBay for $10,000
Watch the iPad Get Destroyed Inside a Blender

I know you have to defend your reporters so I won't be offended with your reply but be honest with yourself Tuan are these articles really news worthy? We both know the answer and it's rhetorical.

To be polite the reporting on the iPad at Toms has been extensive if a bit overblown. I fine with the iPad review, the Q&A is a good idea and reporting on the iPads initial hardware bugs (Wi-Fi issues etc) is acceptable but I don't really need to know what happens when it gets put in a blender.


Apr 25, 2006
[citation][nom]husker[/nom]I admire Tom's for taking the initiative to try and meet their readers' individual tastes. But what about people who don't like articles about futuristic yachts, or solar powered cars, or game software, or productivity software, or browser software, or netfix related news, or... I'll stop there. This is a road you don't want to go down.[/citation]How about.... deal with it? I cant even begin to believe that you are WHINING on a comment thread about what you don't want to see on THEIR site. GET LOST!


Jun 13, 2009
[citation][nom]SAL-e[/nom] ... based their content on market share.[/citation]

ugh... please don't... if the info in the wiki is right: "In January 2007 the iPod market share reached 72.7% according to Bloomberg Online", Tom's will have to report 3 news about iPod/iTouch/ or the "giant screen" iPod Touch, every time they report 1 non-apple mp3 players.... ;)

News is the news. It is what is happening out there and what is the hot topic out there. percentage of the news should be relate to how much people are talking about it out there. Pre-selecting and excluding news because of personal favor, is not what a journalist should do either.

To be honest, compring with Gizmodo and Engadget.. here has way less coverage on Apple news and products


Sep 16, 2008
I have about zero interest in Apple junk but I still find articles about jewel encrusted mice and laptops made of gold far less interesting.


Sep 26, 2009
i couldn't resist watching the blender vid, but the ipad coverage got annoying after a while and i agree with sal-e, doc70 and jeanluc on everything. couldn't have said it better myself.
[citation][nom]shadow187[/nom]Wow, I'm surprised. That's showing quite some love for the knuckleheads who don't know how to NOT CLICK LINKS THAT THEY DON'T WANT TO READ.[/citation]

Thats what i've been practically as well. If you dont like someing (like say the ipad and 3D stuff), dont click on them. The link/title of the article says clearly what it is.

Some how i think some people will be too stupid to use this feature once it fully operational. Just my personal option.


Oct 21, 2002
[citation][nom]micr0be[/nom]i couldn't resist watching the blender vid, but the ipad coverage got annoying after a while and i agree with sal-e, doc70 and jeanluc on everything. couldn't have said it better myself.[/citation]

Thank you it's unfortunate that people are quick to hit the thumbs down button but are to bone idle to give you feedback as to why they disagree with your opinion (so before you hit the thumbs down button on this why not tell me why you disagree and prove me wrong?).

It's seems to me some users like to suck up to editors and nail anyone who stands up for themselves who have a difference of opinion. The only reason why I posted what I did was to let Tuan know that at least one reader isn't happy with the direction of site. If I didn't post what I did then I can't complain in the future about any other highly dubiously news worth stories (Apple related or otherwise).


Feb 4, 2009
[citation][nom]j51[/nom]ugh... please don't... if the info in the wiki is right: "In January 2007 the iPod market share reached 72.7% according to Bloomberg Online", Tom's will have to report 3 news about iPod/iTouch/ or the "giant screen" iPod Touch, every time they report 1 non-apple mp3 players.... News is the news. It is what is happening out there and what is the hot topic out there. percentage of the news should be relate to how much people are talking about it out there. Pre-selecting and excluding news because of personal favor, is not what a journalist should do either.To be honest, compring with Gizmodo and Engadget.. here has way less coverage on Apple news and products[/citation]
I see your point. And yes if Tom's Hardware decides to cover the MP3 devices market we are going to read much more about iPods. It is Tom's Hardware's choice what markets to cover.
I disagree that News is the news. Not all news are made equal. I mesure the quality of the news by amount of information that gives me. Let me ilustrate it with simple example:
News #1:
"Today in Las Vegas rained and the total rain fall was 3 inches."
News #2:
"Today in Seattle rained and the total rain fall was 3 inches."
Which is the biggest news you think? #1 or #2.
Well rain fall of 3 inches in Seattle is quite normal. Nobody will be very interested by it. On the other hand 3 inches of rain in Las Vegas is going to cause a huge flood and most likely there will be emergency situation.
So if you want to cover the overall rain fall for US news #1 and news #2 are same, but if you are covering the after math of the rain fall you are not going to report about #2 and all your resources will be send to cover story #1.


Apr 7, 2010
While i don't need a special link to avoid the Apple articles, I am getting tired of them. Its more because all the articles related to the iPad could have been articles about something else. For this reason I have been avoiding here for a few days because the other sites I visit are reporting a variety of news instead of what seems like recycled iPad articles.

That being said I don't want 100 windows news articles either...



Apr 28, 2009
I found the back and forth banter in the comments quite entertaining. I was actually having fun. It might have been the first time I actually read every post, pro and con and every flaming fanatical fanboy's fierce refusal of facts.


Apr 28, 2009
[citation][nom]tinmann[/nom]I found the back and forth banter in the comments quite entertaining. I was actually having fun. It might have been the first time I actually read every post, pro and con and every flaming fanatical fanboy's fierce refusal of facts.[/citation]

I hadn't had that much fun since the heated depute that ensued after Suzuki re-designed the Hayabusa in 2008.


Oct 8, 2008
Woah i would opt more tech and enthusiast news not only a full spectrum of x86 related stuff (including apple) mobile stuff (including apple) and (webbased) app stuff (including apple) but also news regarding new linux distro's new PPC based platforms (i love PPC) and in general the stuff that is not that well covered.


Oct 2, 2009
[citation][nom]mlopinto2k1[/nom]How about.... deal with it? I cant even begin to believe that you are WHINING on a comment thread about what you don't want to see on THEIR site. GET LOST![/citation]
Excuse me, but you totally took my comment in the opposite way. What I said was they DON'T want to go down the path of filtering content. I wasn't WHINING I was trying to say that once you start to cater to every whim it becomes and endless task and that you cannot please everyone.

I think of this as somewhat of a community and once you start to filter content in this way you begin to fragment the community.

Also, your style of addressing your mistaken interpretation of my original comment was quite rude! :non:


Feb 20, 2007
[citation][nom]husker[/nom]Excuse me, but you totally took my comment in the opposite way. What I said was they DON'T want to go down the path of filtering content. I wasn't WHINING I was trying to say that once you start to cater to every whim it becomes and endless task and that you cannot please everyone. I think of this as somewhat of a community and once you start to filter content in this way you begin to fragment the community. Also, your style of addressing your mistaken interpretation of my original comment was quite rude![/citation]

If it makes you feel any better I realized you were quoting the mouse and cookie line to them...not griping.


Apr 22, 2008
We love you Tuan. Quit the bashing!!

The guy took an hour out of his time (est) to try to accomodate his readers and gets flamed!

Argh, keep up the good work bud.


Oct 29, 2007
Toms should strive to appease every single negative, whining, complainer in the comments... starting with me.

Seriously though, don't cave to fan boys or hate boys. Report technical news no matter what brand. Just filter out most of the corporate press releases in your inbox, which aren't much more than advertisements.
Don't filter just Apple just because some of your readers hate the brand. Some readers hate Nvidia, some hate MS, it's silly to appease such people just because they are vocal in the comments.

I agree with SAL-E, there is much tech news that isn't circulated so well in comparison to Apple or MS or Sony or Nvidia or AMD or Intel etc, etc.

I think it's fair for Tom's reporters to ignore some of the press releases from these marketing machines, and refuse to report it, while actively digging up tech news from those without such marketing machines.


Apr 11, 2009
I don't really mind the Apple news, but the fact of the matter is that if I want Apple news, I usually go to a different website (and one that is more Apple focused). The main reason I started to read Tom's was because of the great PC hardware coverage, lab tests, and features on overclocking and stuff. Something I feel has been a little lacking these days.

I personally don't mind the Apple news but, I wouldn't complain if there were less Apple stories either.


Jul 12, 2009
This is pretty silly, in my eyes. If you don't want to read something, then DON'T CLICK IT.

Alright, but in looking at it from a different point of view, yes. It really does show that TH cares about it's readers! I'm glad that you didn't complete remove Apple articles, and instead directed us to a service that filters them out.

I personally do not care about the articles. I "sinned" :p and bought a macbook back in 2006 (because of my student and Apple Developer discount, took about $400 off the price tag).

But I do suppose that some readers appreciate it, and at the least we can all derive that TH cares about its readers. Thanks. :)
But I do asdf


Feb 9, 2010
Tuan, please do not give into the needs of the few, I can choose what link I want. I do appreciate that you are making an effort, but there is no easy answer to please fanboi's / tech-trolls. Being a patron of “Tom’s Hardware” going on 9 years, I have witnessed a few evolutions of this site, none as disparaging as when the news column showed up center-stage of the hardware home page, shoving the “meat & potatoes” hardware articles to the side column. This leads many to assume that the news column on the hardware home page is actually about hardware (silly isn’t it?). I am just saying, "I like many many others have come to Tom’s over the years to read about hardware innovations / trends / reviews". Please put the hardware articles back into the center of the page, and put this news column off to the side.

EVERYONE! look to the top of your page and click the "Articles" tab (right under the Search bar) to find just the hardware articles already filtered of blogs (or filler junk), you will also notice that there is an Apple – Hardware feature when appropriate (like when they innovate any hardware… aka rarely), most hardware articles are well written, informative, fair, and reflecting of what originally made Tom’s Hardware great = Hardware reviews.

I thought that other factions of Tom's media group were covering the blog news. I can go to the other Tom's sites if I really want to read blog opinions with endless chains of fanatic e-fights in the comments section.

/ 800lb Gorilla -out


Aug 6, 2008
I think its just news. I just love viewing Tom's because of some insightful and informative articles and the enjoyable comments section.

Honestly, its fun reading the comments section, makes my day alright.

Well for me its just news, no more no less, I don't care what the comments section says its just them. not Tom's.

This is how I would look at this.


Feb 9, 2010
I forgot to mention, I am a hardware guy. I am neutral on operating systems (as I use Linux, OSX, WinXP, Win7). I am interested in hardware from any vendor. I am writing this on my sexy sexy free MacbookPro(running W7 in a VM on top of my native LinuxOS).

Tuan, thank you for your efforts.
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