Sick of Apple News on Tom's Hardware? Read This

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Jan 28, 2009
I love ALL the news, ESPECIALLY Apple! Wonderful compromise, btw. Had you dumped Apple news altogether I know I would not be checking your site nearly as often. Killer site, keep it up!


Apr 17, 2008
I think Tuan knows there's no real issue here, it's a straw man. If you don't want to read about Apple, you don't click the link. Of course then you miss the great stories about Apples' screw-ups, and oh boy are there plenty. This news post's purpose is to draw more attention to Apple, which for anyone who loves Apple products is tantamount to drawing attention to themselves.

Classic much ado about nothing...
I think the people who have a problem with Apple being in the news are that way because TomsHardware was started for PC enthusiasts, mainly those who build their own PCs. Thats why if you go to the forums it is filled with people asking questions about their PCs or what hardware is the best or what is new in the PC world.

Most people who ask a question about Apple on the forums gets laughed off because Apple is not a custom PC for enthusiast, mainly for those who would rather have a easy out of the box setup.

I have nothing against Apple except the fact that they are proprietary hardware and software and not an enthusiast platform made for customization.

Tuan, I think your best alternative is possibly seeing is there can be a new site like TomsApple or iToms (heh) set just for Apple and Apple fans with forums to match that way the TomsHardware diehards can keep what they want and you can still have Apple news without people fighting over it.

Sure Apple does influence the market but most PC entusiasts that I know think Apple is just overpriced.


Having apple news in general is fine with me. I dislike them ("nice" word) as much as the next guy, and would never buy one of their products.

The only thing that bugs me when it comes to news is the fact that there are times when I look at the list of news items and there could be like 5-10 articles next to each other that are different facets of the same apple thing. It just seems a bit unbalanced.


Jul 11, 2009
I'm definetely not an Apple hater, but I've really had enough of the fruit-news.
I'm glad to hear that tomshardare cares about it's readers.


Aug 2, 2008
Hmmm... seems to be something wrong with the counter. I clicked on the "thumbs up" on a couple of the counters, but the number did NOT increase past 20. I clicked on one "thumbs down" that had 20, and the counter decreased. You might want to check into that (whoever runs the counter system.) Thanks!


I think that tomshardware is quite balanced when talks about apple-related news. Believe me, I can't stand apple and (most of) his users, but ignoring what apple is doing (even you consider it to be an enemy) is simply silly - a Sun Tzu would be appropriate here... ^^_


Jan 5, 2006
Personally, I feel a bit impressed that the THG people go out of their way to directly target the readers with some of their "news" articles, showing that they ARE listening and paying attention to the comments; that's a whole lot more than is granted to the readers at most other sites.

It's also great to see that THG, in fact, does come up with clever ideas; offering a filter is much more than I would've expected. Similar was the tactic of pre-empting all the "but will it run Crysis?" comments in the articles themselves. (Which seems to have done wonders for eliminating those from the comments)

All told, yeah, there are some people who're whining and moaning at you guys, but all told, you're actually doing a pretty pro job.


Apr 8, 2010
What a bunch of babies, I HATE Apple products and would never buy one, but I still read or at least skim every Apple article posted. If you want to keep up with tech you need to see it all not be a stupid bigot and pick and choose what you keep up with. You can bet that Microsoft keeps up with what Apple is doing. If Apple offends you so much that even seeing them mentioned makes you cry you are just a stupid fanboy, so why do you even need articles? You already made your choice and have your opinion. For those of us who want knowledge and information on the latest hardware we count on Tom's to keep us in the know about all the latest and greatest and give it to us in an unbiased manner and leave it up to us to make our own opinion of the new technologies.


Mar 26, 2010
I'm not sure what to think about this...
Toms hardware without Apple news is like Toms Hardware without ATI news. Is that really necessary?
I really dislike Apple a lot, but not getting news on it, while the news are still there is like censorship (voluntarily accessible censorship, but still).

Ofc I don't have to click it, but that goes for the old site too regarding shown apple news.
Now people might come and want ATI/NVIDIA/INTEL/AMD/Microsoft free news ^^


Apr 30, 2009
Apple news are just paid Apple ads, I see them all around the web everyday who do you think you're fooling to ?


Oct 6, 2008
the only news it think irrelevant is the stuff about diamond ipods, gold ps3's and crystal macbook pro's


May 22, 2009
Honestly, Tom hardware should stick to writing honest articles about technology, not articles for technologically illiterate fanboys clad in scarfs matching the color of their laptop cases to march deeper into their delusion of coolness.


Mar 3, 2009
[citation][nom]shadow187[/nom]Wow, I'm surprised. That's showing quite some love for the knuckleheads who don't know how to NOT CLICK LINKS THAT THEY DON'T WANT TO READ.[/citation]
Gazillion of news on the exactly same topic (and it's not only Apple, though it's the most frequent offender, Fermi was not better) even if it's only title, are still occupying space. So instead of choosing between 3 dozen topics, you are left with one and a half, the rest is annoying marketing.


Dec 10, 2009
Wow, this was drastic! Anyway, I'll not be using the new site :-/ I like Tom's the way it is, thats why I'm here in the first place :D


Sep 14, 2005
Tuan, I am never 'sick' of seeing tech news. However, it seems that 'someone' has made an editorial decision to pump the ipad hype for all that it is worth, in terms of 'metrics'. I have conducted my own unofficial metrics, and no other site that I trust has had 35 to 45 percent of their news devoted to one product.

Where is the news about the x37b? The comcast 'win' over the FCC? You know, REAL news? Not here, obviously drowned out by the ipad hype and the need to generate 'click' revenue.

When this website becomes focused on clicks and not on users, then maybe it is finally time to take my leave of this site.

Having been a loyal reader since Dr. Pabst controlled the site, I have always felt a certain affection for it. But now I find out that the feelings I feel for this site are no longer returned. Should have left when JJ, dasickninja, NMdante, et al left.


Oct 23, 2008
i'd like to thank you, Tuan, for listening to some of us. I for one will DEFINITELY be using this link for the next month at least (or as long as it takes for the ipad to kill people and for it to be banned)

This is a HUGE plus for tomshardware as a whole (watch me get bashed now, for my opinion, lol) and you've saved at least this reader, Tuan. Good job! :)

oh and the link is working fine for me.



Apr 17, 2008
No sure you'll see this given I'm posting rather late. I'm a long time reader but very rarely commenter (only actually signed up a little while ago when buying my computer and wanted to discuss the merits of the GTX 8800…but i digress)
You are bound to find people here complaining what ever it is you do. Some want more apple, some want less. Personally, I am happy with the 'amount of apple', I flick through the news articles and read the ones that seem interested. If I'm not interested in an apple article, I'll read the one on a home made JARVIS.

What ever else, apple is incredible at marketing, and generating news. Now, some readers may feel that much of the 'news' generated isn't news, but PR. That's there view. Others feel it is news. My view? I'd rather you put all the news/information that seems 'worthy' available to me, and let me choose.

And thats the key - what Toms do is let me choose what news to read. I have choice. So I ask, please don't let the minority who complain force you to take this choice away. I enjoy the articles you write, and hope you continue to write them, and let me choose to read or not read them.
Though it is beside the point, the fact that apple articles get read more than others show that the majoirty are interested in all things JOBS - and whether or this is his RDF in action is beside the point. You have given us the choice.

So, to conclude, pls keep up the good work: ignore the small but vocal minority that will complain regardless of what you do.

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