to decibel:
I dont know your budget but an ATI HD 4850/4870 would be good for you.
to OMG:
Hello mate
Well first of all,the difference between 1GB cards and 512MB cards aren't much son don't worry much about it.also when you combine 2 HD 4870s cards which both have 512MB memory,you still will have 512MB memory,as multiGPU won't double the memory.
About mixing a 512MB 4870 with a 1GB 4870 ,read this thread:
5. What happens when graphics cards with varying memory speeds and engine clocks are paired together?
A. In this scenario, overall performance will be adjusted to match the memory speeds and engine clocks of the lower clocked card. To obtain ideal performance, graphics cards should be paired correctly.
If u alreayd haven't purchased your VGAs,go for 1 HD 4870X2 instead,because it has an overall better performance,i myself have the same monitor like you and went for HD 4870X2,because its basically 2 HD 4870's on one card but it produces less heat,requires one slot and has better performance in some cases.