Slow CPU issues?


Aug 5, 2004
Ok, so about a month ago, I posted a issue I was having with my CPU showing up as a 4.6gig P4 chip. Thinking I had a MB issue (Soyo Dragon 2), I had the board replaced. This issue has since continued and here is where I am at. I am looking for any other advice anyone is willing to share.

I purchased a NEW P4 3.2 (800mhz) cpu to verify the CPU was not the issue, and here is what happens. 95% of the time, the machine passes post normally, and id's a p4 3.2 cpu. sometimes it shows up as a 1.4 gig cpu (at the bios level, xp has not loaded yet)..., hard power cycle clears that error.

now, the other 95% of the time, half of it boots normally(bios shows a 3.2gig chip), goes into windows XP and runs at 2.66 mhz (according to toms hardware cpu testing untility and windows XP) the other half it runs at 3.194mhz... (again according to toms utility and xp)

I have a new MB, new CPU, 4 memory sticks (rotated out to make sure I did not have a bad stick) of DDR400mhz ram, a 380watt antec PS, 2xWD 120gig hd, and a DVD burner. I also rotated my graphics card with my other machine, this did not fix the issue... so I am lost...

Any ideas??? The only thing left if to swap out Power supplies.. maybe this one is going bad and not allowing the chip to run at full power? This one puzzles me...
Sounds like the board is kicking down the bus speed in response to a failed boot. It could be a power issue, or a RAM issue, or even a BIOS issue. Also, the earlier versions of the Dragon2 were supposedly not Prescott compatable, when I received my Dragon 2 version 1.0 it was supposed to be a "newer" version that supported Prescotts

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<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
Do you have the latest BIOS installed?

Try everything...
Do not be afraid of failure, for this is how we learn and grow...
Live life to the fullest...
Do not regret what you have not yet done!!!
my board has the most current bios. The 1st cpu I had in it was a non prescott (p4 3.06 533mhz), the current one is a p4, 3.2gig prescott 800mhz..

new 430 watt P/S has no positive effects...

any other ideas???
Are you certain you have a Prescott-Approved version of the board?

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>