Yesterday my pc started to feel super slow out of nowhere and well thought that a restart will solve the problem,but no.
After one day,my pc is still working like crap.
It boots into windows super slow,it crashed even my edge and file explorer,it can't open any apps and then the whole desktop just becomes unresponsive.
If anyone has any idea that can help me solve my problem,then please leave a message.
I have a x4 620
Rx560 4gb
And 250gb ssd and a 300gb hdd
8gb ram.
I reinstalled my gpu drivers,I took the cmos out,I unplugged my whole pc and reseated the gpu and ram and even ssd and hdd.
I did mostly anything I can think of with no result.
Any answers are appreciated!
Yesterday my pc started to feel super slow out of nowhere and well thought that a restart will solve the problem,but no.
After one day,my pc is still working like crap.
It boots into windows super slow,it crashed even my edge and file explorer,it can't open any apps and then the whole desktop just becomes unresponsive.
If anyone has any idea that can help me solve my problem,then please leave a message.
I have a x4 620
Rx560 4gb
And 250gb ssd and a 300gb hdd
8gb ram.
I reinstalled my gpu drivers,I took the cmos out,I unplugged my whole pc and reseated the gpu and ram and even ssd and hdd.
I did mostly anything I can think of with no result.
Any answers are appreciated!