Question Slows so much after rebooting, and still slow after a formating.

Feb 28, 2020
As the tittle says , yesterday i did shutdown the computer,because I thought I was going to be out home for a long time, today I started it again, and...problem, everything is slowed to the max, youtube videos, keeps slowing, games? keeps slows forever(it says i have 200 fps, but i have 15-20 and with stutter problems) programs take like 5 mins to open, not to say the reaction time, so i tought it should be a problem with something it changed that needed to reboot. then i did format it.Installed all the drivers the pc need, but. still slow?
I don't know why have the same problems, it does have something weird if i think about it, when i check on AMD in metrics , the gpu is good, but the processor not, I mean AMD says it does have the 40-80%, the task manager does say its 5%?(the proof imag this )Maybe i didnt installed something important because i forgot ,if not, then idk,also i see sometimes that the computer stutters when changing between programs,windows etc.Those are my components:

Processor: Intel Core I7-4790k
GPU: Amd Radeon r9 290
Disk: SSD 512GB
Disk2: 2TB HDD
Power supply: 750w

PS: Pls I need a fast response, i need my computer as it is one of my main source of money income.
PS2: I did a thorough check for virus but nothing.
After formatting the SSD and HDD, and make a clean install, my Cpu is struggling with the easiest task before this , wasnt even to rise an eyebrow, now .. its taking it to the max, for example , when idle the computer is good, but when i do something "easy" like watching a youtube video at 1080p 60fps, almost 60% of the frames are dropped, theres is an example this is idle, and when i turn on the video->, whereas before was like 5-10% and not even dropping 1 frame, but this occur with all.My cpu is an i7 -4790k.
EDIT: The system is fully updated(drivers,OS,etc)