Sony Sued For Removal Of Linux Support From PS3

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Even though class actions don't have big rewards really for the plantiffs, this could seriously cost sony a lot of cash if of course it wins.

And I hope everybody raised their hands wither they agree with this or not should've diffently saw it coming lol.
I wonder if I have my original receipt from futureshop? lol Sony will not be paying us 1st gen PS3 users a dime compensating us for removing capabilities of something we bought. However, I do agree it's like buying a car and at the 1st semi annual inspection, when you think your lube oil and filter change is what you're get, instead you're having the leather interior replaced by vinyl, the a/c removed and the spare tire gone too, and we're supposed to thank a business for it. This is not just a Sony issue, any and all Coporations are trying to wring every last cent out of us consumers, it's like a workout tape..... "feel the burn...errr squeeze!"
Sony never supplied Linux with them. They have the right to disable any of their features. Read the EULA. They said you can keep it, but you can no longer use that partition to access the PSN if you choose to keep it.

You cannot use Linux (other OS)& the PSN simultaneously anyways. I kept my on one HDD and put another HDD in my PS3, and yet I still have both....Plus I didn't cry about them discontinuing a service that less than 1% of ALL PS3 consumers use?
I wonder if the government will get involved the usaf uses ps3 clusters as well as quite a few universities and research companies you would be surprised at how many use it for a super computer list is very large.

just a small list to show you how many use it:

US Army
Dr. Gaurav Khanna UMASS
Dr. Lior Burko, a physicist and professor at UA Huntsville
and about 300 more universities and research scientists across the world.

You can't sell something and remove a feature that is advertised in my country there are laws about that and others too.

So if this hack was so bad why is there no mass piracy why because it does not allow you to copy games or open up ps3 to do it.
I hope that this will just get Sony to continue Linux support. As a Linux user I do want to see its use grow and its ability to expand, and the Playstation is a great platform for it.

[citation][nom]boju[/nom]Linux's mascot shouldn’t be banging it's head up against the wall... instead it should be giving the finger with a big **** you! Sony[/citation]
It seems like a well written legal piece and it aims at the right thing, and where it hurts them the most: money.

They didn't go the risky route of trying to oblige Sony to put otherOS back on, they are just making a pretty obvious statement and want a restitution of part of the money spent on a product that no longer has all the features advertised.

This should be decided by the judge pretty fast I think.
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Sony Defense Attorny: "It clearly states in our Terms of Service that Sony has the right to...etc etc etc....when the plantiffs purchased the PS3 they agreed to these terms"Judge "Case dismissed"I worked tech support for a few ISP's and all we had to say for half the complaints we took was "Please read the TOS and have a nice day". I hate to say it but this case is dead before it ever gets going.[/citation]

That's not how it works.
I'd rather have the otheros feature than whatever my part in the settlement will be. Hopefully they'll just bring it back. Although without proper video drivers (sony never released sufficient info for them) it's kind of lackluster for anything other than a headless device.
Its funny I was reading this same article on Kotaku and the response from the members on that site was quite repulsive and ignorant in regards to this. I honesly hope Sony loses this lawsuit. Operating Systems running on a console is a big step. And taking it away is a big step backwards.

On a side note I was wondering if this was related to the rumours about Steam coming onto Linux? If steam runs on Linux and Linux runs on the PS3? Can one play Source games over steam on your Ps3 Console with linux? What are the limitations of the Linux operating system on the PS3 console (Based on Compatibility) and is Sony worried that they won't be able to sell future valve titles because of this?
Just a thought I could be misunderstanding something.
Certain elements of EULA are not valid when used to perform certain activities that are considered universally immoral.
The primary examples of this are cases where the EULA violates the law, but any case where the business is deliberately deceitful as to the value of their product (such as scammers who sell nothing or worthless stuff for good money) could also count.
Basically: Just because your EULA says you can, doesn't mean you can violate a overruling law.
[citation][nom]vsgm[/nom]How can any one sure Sony for Removal of Linux Support From PS3? I mean it's there product rite?[/citation]

We can because that was part of what was sold to us. Sony is disabling it on units it already sold. Basically if you bought a TV and the manufacturer one day decides to break into your house and take the remote back...
I love the fact that someone decided to take a stand, and did so by way of Class Action lawsuit in hopes other PS3 owners could benefit.

Unfortunately, I don't think this will end with Sony re-enabling the Other OS function. Instead, they'll likely just try to reduce the pay-out penalty as much as they can, which regardless of reduction, will probably leave PS3 owners who choose to stake a claim fighting for nickels and dimes.
[citation][nom]pyroghozt[/nom]What are the limitations of the Linux operating system on the PS3 console (Based on Compatibility) and is Sony worried that they won't be able to sell future valve titles because of this?Just a thought I could be misunderstanding something.[/citation]
The biggest one is that Sony hasn't released sufficient details for proper video drivers. Video playback of HD video isn't even possible in another OS, so gaming is probably equally limited for the same reason. All the more reason that it's silly for Sony to have removed OtherOS.
Hellllll yeah! Win win for me and others like me that never gave a shit about other os! But my sympathies for those who did use it. I know it must have been troublesome for them to hack into their rightfully owned ps3 to re enable other os. Shame on Sony for deceitful business tactics.
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