Speed up video endoding


Apr 6, 2006
I do a lot of DivX video encoding and I was wondering how big of a factor does Hard drive performance play into encoding speed. Right now I am just using normal 160+ GB 7200 rpm hard drives for my video encoding. Would either a raptor or putting two drives in a RAID 0 have much of an impact on the speed of my encoding, or is the main bottleneck usually CPU and RAM?

(also, I am just talking about encoding the video, not capturing it from a source such as a TV or video camera)
None whatsoever. If you were capturing video than maybe if the hdd was the bottleneck, but in your case the only speed that counts is the CPU. I dont believe that memory plays a major role, maybe up to 5% and that would be the difference between low and high latency ram.

Best thing is a fast CPU with as many cores as you can get.
I'd be inclined to say HDD's would make some difference. Perhaps not massive, but some. Probably less than 10%? Pure guess there.

You may want to consider ATI's AVIVO converter. I hear its supposed to be faster.