Question Spikes in OS disk usage, following a boot from the wrong drive.

Jan 25, 2022
  • AMD Ryzen 3
  • 16gb RAM
  • NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050 Ti
  • MSI B350 GAMING PLUS 4.0


I'm aware there's been many forum posts about the 100% disk usage issue, but I've followed countless "fixes" and they haven't worked so I though I'd make an entry myself.

About two days ago, I turned on my PC and it randomly booted up from my HDD instead of my SSD (I cloned my HDD to my SSD years ago so my OS was booting up from my SSD). I was confused as it showed my old wallpaper/desktop from 2018.

I decided to remove the HDD so my computer was forced to boot up from my SSD and it did so easily. However when this happened my PC felt slow, so I opened up task manager, went to the performance tab and saw that my OS Disk (Disk 1) was bouncing between 0 and 100% (as can be seen in the attatched photo of a similar user's issue). Sometimes the usage would remain at 100% for seconds or minutes, making my PC very slow.

I decided to replace the SSD with the previous HDD (from 2018) and boot up with that. The same problems occured on this HDD as well, pretty much identically.

When on the SSD I noticed that when I downladed installers (such as Norton security and EaseUS) Windows defender would advice me not to open the download, and when I bypassed this message, a pop-up would tell me that "this app can't run on this PC."

I did a full malware scan on my HDD and it all came up clear, but when I tried to do the same on my SSD I got the BSOD. I've gotten the BSOD a few times, when restarting and when trying to update windows.

Leading up to the issue, I had recently downloaded some emulator apps and game files, which had run smoothly and seemed to have no impact on the quality of my PC. A couple days before the issue I finally accepted an "MSI Live Update 6" request that I had been ignoring for a year or two. These are the only two things that I had recently done on my PC besides watching YouTube/Netflix/Prime on chrome.

About an hour ago when I restarted my PC, I got another BSOD and when it restarted I got the message "An operating system wasn't found. Try disconnecting any drives that don't contain an operating system. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart."

I've tried to load this post with as much information about the issue as possible, but if you need any more please don't hesitate to ask. I'm honeslty desperate for help here. If I can't fix this I'll have to spend a fortune at a repair shop.
Thank you so much for any help you can give!
If you look at the Control Panel, Security and Maintenance, Maintenance, Change Maintenance Settings, you will note an explanation of how Windows performs various automatic maintenance tasks. In the case of your hdd boot, since it hadn't been active in a long time its possible that Windows was just doing its maintenance thing when you first booted it.