Funny here how nobody has mentioned the ridiculousness of taking cutscenes from an INTERACTIVE medium (a game) and turning them into a NON-interactive game.
However, I will admit. I have downloaded the cutscenes for several games (Metal Gear Solid series and Zone of the Enders). However, I had two reasons there. First, is that MGS is well known as being less of a game and more like a movie. Sure, in MGS 4, you can control the Mark II during the mission briefings, but that was more of a gimmick, than a new type of gameplay or adding to the story. I was going to do the same for Final Fantasy XIII, but the sheer level of detail and effort that went into graphics at the expense of everything else convinced me otherwise. I even threw my copy (Collectors Edition) into the bin, after getting about 10 chapters into the game.
As for Zone of the Enders, I have the anime series on DVD, and always wanted to see the rest of the story. Sadly, my PS2 died, and since Sony don't want PS3's to be backwards compatible, I didn't have a way of playing the game. So I found someone on Youtube who uploaded his playthrough of the game.
However, does this mean that I would buy a DVD/Blu-ray of these cutscenes? No, I would not. Cutscenes don't tell the full story. They don't offer the same amount of immersion if you leave out the rest of the game. Imagine for example they did this for say Final Fantasy. Sure, the pre-rendered cutscenes in any of the games are beatiful to look at, but you don't get the whole story. There are characters you meet while playing the game that have dialog that adds to the story.