Steve Jobs says Adobe is Lazy and Google is Evil

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I guess if you can't beat 'em, bash 'em. The ipad is gonna suck without flash.

Adobe is moving forward quickly with flash updates... check out the GPGPU version in beta, it's awesome. Adobe is just not moving in the direction that Stevie mandates they should.

As for Google.. of course they're evil. Every publicly traded company is, including Apple. Their rule #1 is to make money for the shareholders ahead of everything else.
There's no flash support because Apple wants to control media content.
No flash means no Hulu and the like.

Let's not dress a turd in a tux, they want your money, plain and simple.
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Just because the iPad is a total failure don't go dissin' Adobe and Google Stevo! I don't know about you Steve but flash runs just fine on all my PCs. Apple becomes more and more irrelevant as time goes by.[/citation]

Agreed, lol.... I have NEVER seen flash crash my pc, or my hack pro.
Look who's talking about lazy. The guy who doesn't want to support one standard so he can instead support the simpler, better, newer standard. I mean I love the idea of HTML5 but it's always easy to design for the latest standards and forget supporting all the existing stuff...and it never goes over well.

Besides, Adobe isn't being lazy: they would LOVE to make a flash application for iPhone. It's not laziness, it's not being allowed to work.

The real reason flash isn't supported is because flash represents a way to get apps to the iPhone that don't go through their store. Bad news.

Oh, and Steve? You do know that the existence of flash is the only reason Mac owners have any games at all they can play, right? And flash does not crash Macs unless someone at Apple is an idiot. It's a browser plugin...

Adobe is lazy. You can't even save a rotated PDF file in pro. Stupid, stupid. You have to rotate then print it to a microsoft format and then convert that to pdf. I doubt I'll ever purchase adobe products for myself at home, that is just ignorant.
The sheer amount of ignorance spewed here in regards to Flash technology is overwhelming. the vast majority of you have no clue what you are talking about. FYI, Flash is much more than "video". It is the number one choice for casual games and RIAs. HTML 5 can't compete with this at the moment or even the near future. lack of standardization is what killed traditional web development and your html 5 messiah is too little too late. Not to mention the codec hell that will ensue as a result.

Most of your gripes are about video delivery. There is more to rich media than Craptube or Hulu.

Get a clue.

IE and Firefox crashes regardless of Flash....
[citation][nom]MrBradley[/nom]Steve jobs has just made a huge mistake...[/citation]

It seems that both Microsoft and Apple are trying to give Google the heave-ho. Google is trying to take over everything...Cloud Computing, OS, browsers, eBooks, search engines, etc. They are getting to big and it should not be too long before the EU declares war on them like they did with MS. Personally...I like MS and Apple vs. money is on the former.
Can you think of any other instance of any device in the world created specifically to shut out things that are inherantly available or free, just to increase the profit line on accessories?
Any industry at all, cars, washing machines, anything?
Ford cars that run only on a special Ford Gasoline, all other gasoline doesn't work?
Whirlpool washing machines that don't use tap water, you have to buy special Whirlpool water or it doesn't work?

Or course, Apple doesn't have to capitulate and you were an investor then bottom line you want to see more money come in from the App store so why not? But PCs are exactly the same, they have unfettered access to the internet with all of it's Flash content videos and games sites, such as Candystand. So has the ability of PC's to access free content at Candystand made PC games a pointless exercise?
Short answer. No.

People say PC gaming is dead or dying. The same people who say this point to statistics of games stores with either declining sales or an increase, but less of an increase than the previous year. These statistics have already been proved bogus by just about everyone who cares to look closely at the fact that sales from games stores are the only source and no sales are taken into account from online vendors such as Amazon, digital distribution such as Direct2Drive or Steam and even more bogus, ignoring subscription online games such as World Of Warcraft or Eve.

So if anything, in the face of online Flash games there has been a new way of selling PC games and they are as strong as ever if not stronger. The way to convince people to not use Flash games and pay good money for a PC game it to make it worth buying and with games like Mass Effect 2 or Bio-Shock 2 people are already rabid to part with cash for a pre-order and a delivery from Amazon.

Apple, sad to say, has missed this point. The hardware may look nice but at the end of the day it is only a delivery method for the content. If they want people to go to the App store instead playing free Flash games they should produce App store games that have people salivating to buy them. Simply denying access to Flash games with a wave of the hand and some cheap excuse of "buggyness" is wrong, despite there being hundreds of other things on the web hat are buggy or dangerous but are happy to let you play with, as long as they dont interfere with potential sales it's OK.

Apple has been around for many years now, it has the resources and the fan base to afford to play the "long game". To resort to such a cheap tactic of money grabbing was very low. The iPhone we can forgive for no Flash support but a larger screen (not widescreen by the way) screams out for the real internet. The hype may well have been overdone, because once people start to see this for what it is they will rethink how they see other Apple products. Apple needs to get this sorted quickly because every day they don't the more the public will not stand for it and Apple advertising budget may as well just be given to HP, MSI, Google or anyone else with an upcoming tablet.

Like Axle Rose once said, "Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole damn bunch"
ad Apple, this one may just spoil the whole damn bunch.
I just returned my 16GB Archos 5 Internet Tablet with Android on it for a 32GB iPod Touch for the same price. Reason? Archos takes 8 hours to FULLY charge and you get about 6 hours of use, it is ridiculously glitchy and hangs all the time, user interface is poor (imo) and the iPod doesn't have these issues? The iPod is streamlined and works "pretty much" flawlessly... now don't go and quote me on that but I am definitely happier with it. That should say something about "googles android".
The iPhone is not going anywhere... Job well done Steve.Jobs.
The iPad is not gonna sell well intill version 2.0 which will include a Mic & Video Camera. Ok now having said that..

Steve why?1?!?!?
Adobe is a decent company.
Gooogle has created the best search engine.
Steve....Steven...Steveyyyyy!!! Weevvvvyyy!!!!
Why so much hate Stevey!!! Google is not evil...Apple apple is by selling OLD Tech for High prices and then telling the consumers that these are great deals.
flash allows development, allowing flash support would allow development on the IPAD and this is a big no no for apple, its funny with all the devices they come out with the iphone will fade into a memory its started a trend now the nexus is the new superphone,
Wow, I just have to say, wow again. First and foremost to say that Flash is junk and Adobe is lazy is just plain stupid. I don't know WTF Jobs is thinking, but out of the many people I know that use MAC's most, if not all, have Adobe products on their machines. People can praise HTML5 all they want, but it hasn't even been finished yet, so how can something that doesn’t exist be better than something we already have. Plus, HTML5 is just code and who makes the GUI programs that make this code easy to use? Oh yea…Adobe. Also, Flash runs mostly off of Java and I really had to be the bearer of bad news to Steve Jobs, but Java pretty much runs the web nowadays. Sun and Oracle just made a deal, so Jobs let me explain something to you. Yes, you can make your mark in the consumer market all you want, but business is where the big money is to be made. And guess what, the only businesses that use MAC’s are those in the graphic and music industry. Now, don’t get me wrong, the graphic industry is a big market. But, it’s not like you’re a company like HP, who sells $2.5 million dollar superdomes for databases. Let me also ask Steve Jobs, do you really want to piss Adobe off? I mean really, because I am sure they would be glad to make things not work for Apple users. Steve Jobs you have cornered yourself and I hope you like the spotlight for now, because propriety=death.
OK, to all the haters. I have owned PC since windows was on a 25mb hard drive, and you had to boot dos first.

I just bought a new MacBook Pro, and you know what, it makes me want to throw my HP out the window. If it wasn't for the Microsoft apps like Office, that I already had, and the years of experience I have on Microsoft, I would say bye bye to windows. In no aspect of my life besides the mother of my children have I experienced more problems than with Windows. From stable 3.1 to nasty win 95, to puke on me millenium. To stable 2000 that didn't work with anything. To vista that reminded me of Millenium. To a stable windows 7, on PC manufacturers who are now making terrible hardware (HP), excluding the high-end alienware, etc.

I have owned a Mac for a very short time, and the last time I used them was back in 90 and you know what I remember about them then? They always worked. They were very friendly.

Steve Jobs is right, Notice that google is threatening to pull out of China and won't renew with Yahoo because google wants to much money.

Power tends to corrupt and Absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely. Google has grown so big it has lost it's fairness. Even bill gates gives back to the world all the time. Google is a great thing. But pride goeth before the fall, and if what I have just read is right and they are messing with China, the fall could be sooner than later.

Pontification complete :)
[citation][nom]AJ Johnson[/nom]Pontification complete[/citation]
I am almost tempted to agree, Apple has done lots over the years to put out the great OSX. It is stable, works quickly and looks good. Problem is people would like to buy OSX and run it on their own PCs without having to pay excessively for the hardware.
In the case of the iPad the hardware isn't really the issue, it looks nice and i'm sure that people will pay the premium for the thinness of it but to then NOT give it the thing that people like, which is OSX, even though it is fully capable ... well ... that is a shower of shit.
[citation][nom]descendency[/nom]Adobe doesn't make one good product outside of Photoshop. The rest are garbage.[/citation]

???? Depends on what you need to do I guess. I use Adobe Audition DAW software and fricking love it. Stable, easy to use, tons of function and customizable layouts. The fact that it also has Multicore support has made my work go by much faster as well.
[citation][nom]AJ Johnson[/nom]PC manufacturers who are now making terrible hardware (HP), excluding the high-end alienware, etc.[/citation]

Guess what, your Apple costs as much as an alienware so that is a pretty lame point. Show me a ~$500 apple computer that kicks ass.

There are plenty of online stores that can build you a PC for a decent price and they let you choose 100% of the hardware, all far cheaper and more powerfull than any apple machine.
Well I am using an LG VX8300 and have been using it for a few years now. Next phone I want is the Nexus One because I want Android! Down with iPhone...
I completely agree with the assessment that Adobe is lazy. Anyone use Adobe Acrobat much (not just the Reader)? I'm forced to use it regularly to edit and program PDFs and its the buggiest, most crash prone, resource hogging POS I've ever had the displeasure to use in my 20 year career. I dream of the day that a serious competitor finally emerges and displaces this company and its bug-ridden bloatware.
Adobe is lazy? Well I don't know, but it sure seems so. So: Check!
Flash is a technical problem we need to get rid of? Are you kiddin': Check!
Google's "don't be evil" mantra is bullshit? Oh yes: Check!
+100 silly, belligerent, clueless little boys post their fanboy insults on Tom's Hardware comment section, and rate up nonsens: Check!

No surprises anywhere. Now for attempting a serious comment:
It seems a lot of little boys look on Google as some kind of hero? I'm not surprised, since I already knew that. "Free" eh? Haha. Nothing is ever really free. The closest to free is something you can buy as a customer. A good company is a company that is good to be a customer to in the long run. Here's something you little boys should take notice of and worry about: You are not Google's customers!
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