Steve Jobs says Adobe is Lazy and Google is Evil

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[citation][nom]chomlee[/nom]I don't understand how Steve thinks google is invading Apples turf by getting into the phone business. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. I guess then to be fair Apple should have stayed out of the music player business because that was sonys turf, and they shouldn't have gotten into the phone business because motorolla, LG and Palm were running that show. FYI, Competition is what keeps us innovative.Steve, just be happy that you are mega successful and your company is mega successful. I get the feeling that you wont be happy unless, you are the king of everything.[/citation]He said it's obvious they are trying to *KILL* the iPhone. Somehow I don't think Sony got the same impression from Apple when they entered the market.
STEVE JOBS IS ON DRUGS!! WTF how can he ignore java? ITS ON EVERY OTHER THREE PAGES WHEN I BROWSE YOU ASSHOLE!! He cant blame his shitty OS on one universal program. Steve you entered the phone business being a computer (a shitty one a best) company. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A NETWORK YOU USE AT&Ts shitty service! He cant ever say apple is a phone company. And he should be scared google is more 1337 than apple will ever be. BUT google is evil... I think its some Eagle Eye shit. Theres no way to contact google easily. Youtubes contact us is a redirecting page to FAQs and there phone system just goes on to more and more menus when you try and get an operator. GOOGLES GONNA KILL US ALL (after they take over the market)
I like that he flat out stated that Flash was the cause of most Mac crashes. Why doesn't he just come out and say that his OS cannot handle flash? Anyway, I am glad I heard it from him, why would I want to purchase any Apple product that cannot handle a program with a few bugs. Seriously, I have yet to see flash cause any of my Windows PCs to crash.
[citation][nom]macclearly[/nom]This is an absolutely unbelievable statemtent in my opinion. I wonder if you are only going to non-flash websites? You tube crashes all the time because of Flash. This can't be an experience that only my customers and I have. If you were to talk to the guys at Mozilla and ask them about some of their top issues even with 3.6 you are going to hear that Flash is WAY up there. It is all over the internet and forums too. I do however have a computer that hasn't crashed in over six years, Windows 2003 and a part of the reason is that Flash is not installed.[/citation]

[citation][nom]macclearly[/nom]This is an absolutely unbelievable statemtent in my opinion. I wonder if you are only going to non-flash websites? You tube crashes all the time because of Flash. This can't be an experience that only my customers and I have. If you were to talk to the guys at Mozilla and ask them about some of their top issues even with 3.6 you are going to hear that Flash is WAY up there. It is all over the internet and forums too. I do however have a computer that hasn't crashed in over six years, Windows 2003 and a part of the reason is that Flash is not installed.[/citation]

I don't have issues with flash either. I have three laptops, two servers, and three gaming rigs. None of which have crashed due to flash related issues. As a matter of fact the only systems that get shut off regularly are the laptops. The last time the other five systems went offline was during Hurricane Ike. And even then they came out just fine. Even shady porn sites dont cause problems haha.
[citation][nom]datawrecker[/nom]Seriously, I have yet to see flash cause any of my Windows PCs to crash.[/citation]
Ditto, not one single time ever in the 14 years that Flash has been around has Flash caused a PC to crash that I have either used or built. I work in one of the biggest IT support companies in the UK and prior to this in the blunt end of a PC shop for many years and have used hundreds and hundreds of machines by just about every company out there. Not. Once. Ever.

OK, it's not 64 bit, fair cop. How many other regularly used bits of software are not 64 bit but get nowhere close to this amount of abuse?

By the way. If Apple is so against Flash, how come they are happy to have Adobe Flash CS4 Pro for the Mac? Amazon are having a sale at the moment and you can pick a copy for £550, down from £620.

They are happy to let you spend all that money on Flash creation software but won't let you display the content once you've made it? This is all about the App store trying to sell content and nothing else. Period.
Steve Steve Steve....MS has been having a hard time fighting Google trying to keep them at bay. Do you really want Google's complete and undivided attention. You make a "cute" product but, Google has the manpower, money, and resources to really pour it on thick and make a monster of a product. The only thing Apple has going for it is that it is focused. God help them if Google decided to focus its resources.
Google really is the polar opposite of Apple. Trying to produce significant steps forward with each successive hardware release and trying to build it all on an open-source platform.
"Sir, the glowing light confirms that its off"

In today's market, the only difference between a Mac and a PC is the high price tag and the fact that it might be "pretty"
[citation][nom]shadow187[/nom]64-bit flash works fine on my computer.[/citation]
So either you're using Linux or running 32-bit flash on a 64-bit machine.
Man, the level of BS in this tread is very high. When you have your IE browser window hang up while loading and you have to close the window, guess what? You Windows PC just crashed. A crash does not have a BSOD type event.

I would go so far as to say anyone on these boards that says they have never had that happen and they have been using Flash on any combination of Windows XP, Vista or 7(32 or 64 bit) and IE 6, 7, 8, chrome, firefox. opera or safari is a bold face lier. I just asked a dozen people the office i'm at today and they all said the same thing. Flash crashes all the time.

Typical responses were that the window hangs and does nothing and you have to close it. IE locks up and you can't even click on anything in the top bar or the red X and have to open the task manager and kill IE to even close the window. The page loads but the flash active x control crashes and you have to refresh to get it to restart the video. All of which I have had happen myself.
I've never seen flash crash myself in Firefox or Chrome, but that doesn't mean it doesn't.

As to Adobe being lazy? Seems everyone has forgotten they didn't create flash. Macromedia did. And you can't rewrite an entire system because it would cause severe incompatibilities with everything created before it. So honestly the problem was shoddy coding done by Macromedia before Adobe acquired them. You'd be surprised to know that most flash issues are also related to your video card and its drivers anyways.

Google? Evil? This is the same company that released its browser for Mac and had most Mac users cheering? Sure, Steve, google hates you entirely and wishes to destroy your company.
[citation][nom]dheadley[/nom]Man, the level of BS in this tread is very high. When you have your IE browser window hang up while loading and you have to close the window, guess what? You Windows PC just crashed. A crash does not have a BSOD type event. I would go so far as to say anyone on these boards that says they have never had that happen and they have been using Flash on any combination of Windows XP, Vista or 7(32 or 64 bit) and IE 6, 7, 8, chrome, firefox. opera or safari is a bold face lier. I just asked a dozen people the office i'm at today and they all said the same thing. Flash crashes all the time. Typical responses were that the window hangs and does nothing and you have to close it. IE locks up and you can't even click on anything in the top bar or the red X and have to open the task manager and kill IE to even close the window. The page loads but the flash active x control crashes and you have to refresh to get it to restart the video. All of which I have had happen myself.[/citation]
Well I suppose people could argue all day long and call each other liars like you just did, so how about just working with simple facts.
Prove that Flash causes the websites to crash.
If you can prove it, not simply provide anecdotal opinion, I will personally give you $100 in monopoly money.
If it is soooo buggy, how come millions and millions of websites use it. It certainly isn't a cheap software to buy for content creation, so wif millions of people are paying huge amounts of cash to create websites doesn't scream out that the error lies outside Flash? And even if it was Flash that caused a single crash, couldn't that be attributed to a lazy programmer using an otherwise good bit of software to make a crappy website?
Google isn't a threat unless they change drastically. I have an Android phone as well as an iPhone 3GS. Apple's phone is much more refined and easier to use. Also more stable with fewer bugs. If Apple doesn't squander their lead Google won't be a threat.
I haven't had Flash lock-up or crash my Windows 7 64-bit system using Chrome almost exclusively since I built it back in November.

I also don't play those annoying flash games online and really the only thing I use flash for are videos and whatever ads are on the different sites that are setup in flash.

Flash could be fine for them to include on their system if they really wanted too do so. All they'd have to do is make sure that Adobe wasn't 'lazy' as they put it with the control for that specific system.
The Leader has spoken. Google is evil. Apple is good.

The Leader is good
The Leader is great
We surrender our will
As of this date
[citation][nom]danimal_the_animal[/nom]Well he just sent the ipad to its grave.I REFUSE TO BUY IT NOW because of NO FLASH SUPPORT!so what.....HOW many years are we supposed to wait for HTML5?gimme a break.......this is a deal breaker for me.[/citation]Hasn't YouTube already announced they are going to be switching from Flash based video to HTML5, (eventually)? That is no reason to CAN the iWhateveritsgonnabe. I am sure it will do JUUUUST fine. Unless it has serious issues with bugs or "hangs" I have a feeling it'll be just fine. A little too bulky for that type of device, for my tastes. Although, I don't have enough money to get an iPod AND an iPad.
I'm not an Apple/Jobs fan, but I do partly agree with what he says. I don't pay much attention to Google's offerings, but I've never been a fan of Adobe software. Much of it is overpriced for what it does (how many people actually own their own copy of Photoshop and not just a hacked copy)?

Furthermore, they've been slow to embrace the 64-bit world. When I first moved into 64-bit Vista, there was an application that I could not use because it specifically needed a 64-bit version of Flash installed (I think it was a Pandora plug-in//gadget, but I honestly don't recall atm). This was several years ago, and there still is no 64-bit version of Flash.

On top of it all, people are starting to find more security and stability concerns with Flash & other Adobe products that Adobe is slow to address. It doesn't happen often, but I have had flash-related websites crash on me in the past. I'm not the only one either - in EVE Online, they introduced a new in-game web browser a few months ago (chrome-based) that initially had Flash-support, but was removed due to browser and even client crashes (again speaking from my own experiences testing it).

Anyhow, that's my rant about Adobe.
[citation][nom]Miharu[/nom]At this point, Apple is a bigger "EVIL" than Adobe or Google.Sorry Apple![/citation]
No need to be sorry, they have been a bunch of nasty bastards for decades, only recently are people seeing through Steve Jobs "reality distortion field"
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