
Sep 29, 2012
Here are my specs:
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 245 Processor (2 CPUs), ~2.9GHz
Motherboard: FOXCONN (?) 2A92
GFX: AMD Radeon HD 6570

So for about 2 months now I have been experiencing some really weird performance issues. For example, I used to be able to play NBA 2k12 on almost everything high with a comfortable 45-60 fps, but now even on all low the max is 21 fps. In fact, it seems like it's in an fps lock of some sort, because it never ever moves past that number. I just tried out Borderlands 2, and with everything on low I get 16 fps. I would just blame this on considerably outdated hardware, but what I found extremely bizarre is that with absolutely everything maxed out, I was getting 11-12 fps. It doesn't make any sense to me that the performance would only drop 5 fps? Almost like maybe Borderlands 2 has an fps lock as well. What also stands out to me is that when playing Virtua Tennis these performance issues don't seem to happen. My computer speed in general has dropped as well. I say this because when running Avast a "quick scan" takes hours and the scanning speed is about 30 mb/s which seems wayy to slow for my specs. I ran Malwarebytes and it found some backdoor trojans and those have been taken care of. Ive cleaned my disc, my registries, and I'm about to defrag my system even though its only 2% fragmented. I should add that I had removed CCC from my system and switched to Sapphire Trixx, but I recently switched back again to CCC. Also, I have physically taken out my GFX and put it back in but no luck. I believe for a while it might have been stored in a place with pretty high temperature (85 F or so) but not running, just stored there for about a month and a half. When looking inside I didnt see anything out of the ordinary, albeit I wouldnt exactly know what to look for in the first place. I guess what I am asking is, should I reinstall my drivers? If so, which ones? Should I reinstall my system? Is there a software that could analyze if there's something wrong hardware-wise? Thank you in advanced for the help.


Sep 29, 2012

Hmm interesting. Which program would recommend?