Studio XPS 435T/9000 PSU Upgrade


Nov 7, 2011
Hey there, I'm really looking to swap out this machine's power supply so I can get a better GPU. It's 475w and I'm looking to upgrade it to a 700-800w, but my issue is I don't know what to look for when replacing it. I'm afraid of purchasing a PSU that won't fit or won't go with my motherboard, etc.. Any help on picking out a good PSU that will go with my case/hardware would be greatly appreciated.

Power Supply is: 0F217J Dell 475 Watt Power Supply

Also, is it difficult to swap out at all? I've never upgraded a PSU, so I'm a little hesitant about it, but I'm confident I can do it without anything going bad. Thanks!



Assuming they aren't stupid and re-arranged the pinout like they did in the early days, then a normal ATX power supply should work just fine.



Should work just fine. Not as far as I know.

That's a huge power supply for a single card system.
Your existing psu has a 32 amp combined 12v output and a pair of 6 pin connectors, enough power for most video cards
What card are looking to put in ?


Nov 7, 2011

I'm currently using a 5770 and it can barely handle it most of the time. It freezes my PC, leaving the screen to look like a jumble of colored bits and normal screen freezes; though the odd part is that it really only does this within the first few minutes or so of booting up. If I can get passed that, I can leave my PC on for days without issue.

I am looking to upgrade my card once I upgrade my PSU though; just haven't decided what to get yet. But I plan to keep it simple with one card.

Sounds like it could be the psu, do you have anyway of trying the card in another system ? friend , relative ?

Haven't got much choice but to keep it simple with a single card, only 1 pcie x16 slot
A good 520-550 watt psu is enough for all but the big, expensive dual gpu cards
Modular tends to be helpful in a Dell
If you're purchasing from Newegg this 600w is a better deal than any 520-550


Nov 7, 2011

I know it's not the card. Just swapped it for a much weaker 5450 and it still acts up. The last two days it's been much worse. Power light will go on, but nothing on screen; if I unplug the power cord from the PSU for a while and try again it'll work if lucky.

Anyways, I just ordered a new PSU. I went with the Corsair TX650 that someone posted above. Should be here by Friday.