Hello, let me preface this by saying that my internet is by far no means anything great. It sometimes (at least once a week) gets wonky late at night and I face a few disconnections, it's Toshima Cable Network but lately it's been really bad. Ever since it went offline yesterday it came back with horrid speeds and extreme latency to the point even images take a while to load. The problem is, it only happened to my PC, my wi-fi is fine; I didn't mess with the cable so I doubt it's that, the speed is the same with or without VPN so probably not throttling. I checked my resource manager to see if there was anything suspicious hogging all the bandwidth and nothing showed up so I'm running out of ideas here. My usual speed os 100mbs on ethernet and right now I'm getting 2mbs.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.