"Superfetch" customization Windows 10

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u can enable it or disable it

or in registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

Find the EnablePrefetcher key on the right-hand pane, and change the value to one of these:

Disable Caching: 0
Cache Applications Only: 1
Cache Boot Files Only: 2
Cache Everything (default): 3

I wanted specific apps.

Not the answer i was looking for but due the understanding that SSD users doesn't need to active it , I got my answer .

Can u name it?
Windows keeps unused code in ram in anticipation of quick reuse.
For that reason, the more ram you have the better.
If one truly knows the code they use and the pattern of usage, it is possible to optimize.
But, generally, it is better to let windows detect your sage and manage things.
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