system configuration utility. (startup paths)



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

I have only one little question. I am wondering if anyone
knows how to go into system configuration utility in
startup and get rid of all the uwanted and also not
working paths.(without by simply checking or unchecking
the boxes if someone out there can help me i would
greatly appreciated it.

best regards
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

Start>Settings>Control Panel>if in category view,click Performance and Maintenance,then Administrative Tools>Services...if in classic view,click Administrative Tools>Services...max your screen...right click on individual services to view their properties and status...and lastly...the lil page with ?over it at top left of services page shows the default settings

"Frustrateddotcom" wrote:

> I have only one little question. I am wondering if anyone
> knows how to go into system configuration utility in
> startup and get rid of all the uwanted and also not
> working paths.(without by simply checking or unchecking
> the boxes if someone out there can help me i would
> greatly appreciated it.
> best regards
> Frustrated.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

Thank you very much i really appreciated it.

>-----Original Message-----
>Start>Settings>Control Panel>if in category view,click
Performance and Maintenance,then Administrative
Tools>Services...if in classic view,click Administrative
Tools>Services...max your screen...right click on
individual services to view their properties and
status...and lastly...the lil page with ?over it at top
left of services page shows the default settings
>"Frustrateddotcom" wrote:
>> I have only one little question. I am wondering if
>> knows how to go into system configuration utility in
>> startup and get rid of all the uwanted and also not
>> working paths.(without by simply checking or
>> the boxes if someone out there can help me i would
>> greatly appreciated it.
>> best regards
>> Frustrated.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

You have to edit the registry to remove them. They are in

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg

"Frustrateddotcom" <> wrote in message
> I have only one little question. I am wondering if anyone
> knows how to go into system configuration utility in
> startup and get rid of all the uwanted and also not
> working paths.(without by simply checking or unchecking
> the boxes if someone out there can help me i would
> greatly appreciated it.
> best regards
> Frustrated.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

Thank you very much i really appreciated it.

>-----Original Message-----
>You have to edit the registry to remove them. They are
>"Frustrateddotcom" <> wrote in
>> I have only one little question. I am wondering if
>> knows how to go into system configuration utility in
>> startup and get rid of all the uwanted and also not
>> working paths.(without by simply checking or
>> the boxes if someone out there can help me i would
>> greatly appreciated it.
>> best regards
>> Frustrated.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

justagirl wrote:
: Start>Settings>Control Panel>if in category view,click Performance
: and Maintenance,then Administrative Tools>Services...if in classic
: view,click Administrative Tools>Services...max your screen...right
: click on individual services to view their properties and
: status...and lastly...the lil page with ?over it at top left of
: services page shows the default settings

"...and lastly...the lil page with ?over it at top left of services page
shows the default settings"

Where on earth did you get this information? What a load of rubbish.

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