Question System won't allow me to downgrade to an older BIOS version - MSI A320M GAMING PRO


Sep 11, 2020

I've recently updated my BIOS, but doing so I got the V1 Click BIOS, the old one that I had was replaced with it.

As a result of this, I can't overclock my CPU anymore like I used to on the old BIOS version, however when I try to downgrade via my USB it won't let me saying something like "System won't allow you to downgrade BIOS for stability reasons".

Is there a workaround?
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

What specific performance problems are occuring - further overclocking may not be the solution.

How much overclocking is desired/required? What are the expected performance improvements? What games are being played?

Unless there is some real and measurable performance improvement to be gained, overclocking the CPU may be of little value and cause other issues later on.

Especially so if the system is warning against and actually preventing the downgrade then the downgrade should not be done.

A "work-around" may end badly for the CPU and/or system.

That said, post the above information, and someone may be able to offer specific suggestions accordingly.

I've recently updated my BIOS, but doing so I got the V1 Click BIOS, the old one that I had was replaced with it.

As a result of this, I can't overclock my CPU anymore like I used to on the old BIOS version, however when I try to downgrade via my USB it won't let me saying something like "System won't allow you to downgrade BIOS for stability reasons".

Is there a workaround?
We definitely need to know your motherboard make/model and CPU model to answer well, but in general A320 boards don't allow overclocking of CPU's. I don't know how it came to be yours allowed it to before...or what you were doing.

It sounds like you have an MSI board, though, since it's a "Click BIOS". MSI had to change BIOS style to support 3rd Gen Ryzen CPU's. The reason they don't allow reverting BIOS is they don't want you to accidentally revert to one that doesn't support the later CPU it was probably updated for which will effectively brick the board for it.

That said, there is a way to force-revert the BIOS using a UEFI command line update utility. Visit the MSI forums to download the tool and ask questions about using it. Be advised: this is a very powerful tool. It can overwrite your BIOS with pretty much any other BIOS, even one for an entirely different board. If you use it unwisely it will definitely brick your board.
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