T. Martin Incident

Not at all.

Trayvon was visiting the area. He likely stood out from the usual people.

All this is considered 'racial' because of hearsay that whoever Trayvon was talking said they thought they heard the word "wise scholar" mentioned. Not always hearing a third person over a cell phone standing a few feet away. Regardless, the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the Black Panthers will not step down, will not back off, even when wrong. This furthers their cause.. which in my opinion is to further the racial divide, not mend it. If they mended it, their existance would not be needed; They would no longer have their source of income.
There are to many holes in this scene to say what really transpired on that dark night.I would like to see what evidence Zimmerman has when he finally comes out of hiding and talks in public.Both Sharpton and Jackson are agitators i see this now. If this was a white teenager where would they be ?Unlikely not defending the person I just mentioned pertaining to the white person.Again this could be politically motivated also.
All the above, and is why the MSM , who is also totally bought into and sometimes off into this ideology have been promoting, yes promoting this racism angle.
They love who they love, and yes, hate whom they hate.
These people arent tolerant, the very notion sinks their philosophy, their livelyhoods, and their power base.
Its been going more and more this way, as more liberal/socialist monies get involved, and is exactly why if this were a black on black, white on white, brown on brown or whatever, we would never had heard of this sort of thing, tragic tho it is

Police confirmed there is a 1 minute gap between 911 calls and eye witness accounts. What no one has evidence of, outside of Zimmerman's statement, is that Trayvon punched him and broke his nose. 1 minute is a very, very long time when in a fight. In that time Zimmerman's nose was broke, he was put onto his back, and the back of his head was bloodied, his eye swollen and lip.
Trayvon was confirmed to be shot at close range in the chest. This would be accurate. If he was shot in the face, that tends to say the persons knew each other and it was more hate motivated. Not the case. Trayvon's body has no reports of any blunt force trauma which given that he would have had at least 1 minute for any signs to show on his body before his heart stopped pumping. It doesn't take long for a swollen eye, lip, or a bruise to appear. This leads that Zimmerman didn't instigate a physical confrontation.

Given Trayvon's past, his character will not likely hold up in a court of law against a person who has a fairly impeccable record of doing 'good' for society.

Sadly though, MSM is the judge, jury, and executioner. The justice system seems to be taking a back seat.
I haven't seen any info come out about the condition of his body aside from the statement that the gunshot wound was close and to his chest. I figured if he was hit that would be evidence released by the family, or someone else. Yet, they openly talk about the wounds on Zimmerman.. but nothing on Trayvon.

Registered as a Democrat. I wonder if that will take any steam away from the Democrat's argument that Republicans caused this...

Hmm, lightened pic of Trayvon as a 12 yr old and the 17 yr. old gangsta FB photo deleted by the parents, 3 school suspensions including one for possibly breaking into lockers to steal jewelry, and the parents trying to trademark his name probably to cash in on the publicity...

What's not to like?? 😛
You will never find the truth because Martin is dead and this will never be revealed by him only Zimmerman's side.

The two eye witnesses do not matter? The character of the two individuals involved does not matter?

Where I come from we have a saying: You can take a person out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the person.
This is so bad, its like the wild west, vigilanties, hate with a hang em mentality, innocents getting in the way, being harmed.
So, just where does all this hate come from?
I personally cant accept hatred, at least not in the person, but in the reasoning, and those that embellish it, and thrive on it, they need help
^ I would think that as more details on Trayvon's apparent drug-dealing and theft come out, Obama would start to look pretty stupid over his "my son would look like Trayvon" remark.

I can imagine Romney making some TV ads on Obama's poor judgment of character by publicly supporting the Martins, who apparently did a bad job of raising their son during the last 5 years or so..

Its no distraction, and only like riser said, to rally up the constituents

My point is, who would allow these leaders to lead?
This isnt the only scenario where hate and bigotry have been tried to be championed, as there are many many instances, and shows how low and how much hate is used, and if this isnt the opposite, a wake up call to those of us thats willing to give these people a second chance, they obviously dont deserve it.
Theyre bigot mongers, hate mongers, you name it, and over all this supposedly flies a supposed flag of tolerance, but in reality, its those who cant do better for themselves being taken advantage of those who monger all this up, for the sake of the little guy.
Shame on them, shame on them all
Are you implying people who are from ghettos are inbred and will never change their behavior or character.That is a narrow minded way at looking at life.

I imply nothing. I merely stated an observation from my person perspective and experiences as noted by the "Where I come from we have a saying."
^ Yeah, ABC news broke the story IIRC. But that video was taken some 4 hours after the alleged beating by Martin and Zimmerman was cleaned up a bit, by the paramedics I guess. However, if he actually had a broken nose, I'd think there would be some sort of bandage or whatever on it. Maybe just a bloody nose.

Wonder if and when all the facts will come out in this case..
You can't treat a broken nose.

ABC's news story was a hack job as well. The audio of the 911 operator and Zimmer was cut to say this.

Zimmerman: [I'm following someone acting suspicious]
Zimmerman: [He's black]

The real, unedited audio was this:

Zimmerman: [I'm following someone acting suspicious]
911 Operator: "What is his race?"
Zimmerman: "He's black"
I'm sure they were trying to condense the conversation to fit it into the allotted timeslot.

Trayvon, 6'3" 150lbs.
Zimmerman, 5'9" 200lbs+

Don't care about weight when someone towers over you by 6 inches.

Hmm, don't they at least put a bandage over a broken nose, to protect it from further injury?? Or maybe stuff cotton wads inside to control the bleeding. Never had one myself so I dunno..

Agree about the height vs weight observation, for fist-fights anyway, since a taller guy has a longer reach so the shorter guy has to close into range first, which leaves him open for some punishment. Once he does close in he should eventually be able to wrestle his way on top assuming he's in reasonable physical shape, using his body mass as leverage.
Broken noses can be treated differently. A broken nose doesn't always lead to heavy bleeding.

If there was an external cut on the nose a bandage would be placed on it. Cotton up the nose would move the bone and cartilage around and could promote additional bleeding. Generally, the bleeding will stop on its own. It really depends on how significant the break is.

I took an elbow in the nose playing basketball back in high school. My I chipped part of the bone but it didn't bleed. When I boxed, I took a cheap shot that caught the bottom of my nose and pushed it up. It didn't break but it was bleeding heavily for about 30 seconds and then stopped.

You can use the argument about height/weight, getting in close, etc. but that assumes both are of even fighting abilities. Again, when I boxed my big fight was against a 6'6" guy to my 5'11" height. I had to stick close to him but getting in close enough wasn't easy. He could still hit me.. and being that his height was over me, his motion for a punch was better than a standard punch.

It is far easier to hit a object at shoulder level, than to have to reach up and hit someone in the face as your same height. When you watch somene through a shadow punch, they generally shoot straight out from their shoulder.. which would hit the other person in the shoulder/neck area. You have to raise it up about 6 inches to hit. Factor that in and I can imagine an unexpected punch to the nose would be fairly brutal.
Personally speaking I think Zimmerman is lying to cover his ass. He is much bigger than Martin and looks much stronger also. This fallacy about his head hitting the ground is bullshit to me. He made this up.