T. Martin Incident

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Leftists asshats... Sure.

So you scapegoat Obama because we have a self centered, speculative second market that has direct effect on commodity prices? Awesome, glad to know you have such a firm grasp on our Economy, confirms what I've always thought.

Rightist conspiracy-theorists that are afraid of their own shadow, tsk tsk.

I'm really glad that every thread you guys post in gets derailed to continue the GOP circle jerk. You are so ADD that you need to try and pick a fight about gas prices in the middle of a thread that has nothing to do with it.
If you shrink the available resources by Pesidential privilage, that has direct impact on the futures of oil, and a more immediate impact, as your tipping your hat you wont fight the current oil pricing, as the Saudis have done before.Theres alot of monies in the oil market, and itll take some time for it to come down, as people dont like losing money or their jobs.
So, we can say any president doesnt have any effect on current pricing, we can say the Saudis have never had an impact on the oil market, and thus, we can absolve Obama of it too, regardless his actions leave us with a no growth policy in oil, and the pricing is just too tough for anyone, ever.
Thats supposedly a win scenario, if you can swallow on the non facts.
I call it a certain idealism
@OMG - Universal first world health care. There is your one, now you can cry and moan about it, I know you will! :)

@JDJ- Actually I just addressed this in another thread. You seem to think that the President has some mystical powers over the Saudi's; I say you're delusional and discount the fact that the best oil on the planet comes from the Middle East, thus one of the reasons why it's in such high demand.

You just ignored it and posted some mindless drivel below it, I'll repost so it's right under your nose:

It is a racial issue because a Black youth was involved not another minority like a Jew or a latino.I doubt is Sharpton or jackson would defend these minorities I mentioned.
@ Old Man There is no correlation between domestic production and what we pay at the pumps. We should see the price drop when production increases Right? So why do we see the opposite. That must mean there are external forces controlling the price of oil.



Also the reason I ask about "Stand your ground" ass applied to the Martin case is because its not really applicable to Zimmerman. Its actually more applicable to Martin. Think about it you are being followed by some guy who confronts you at the request of the cops no to follow him.

Gas prices will continue to rise because President Obama mentioned he may release the strategic oil reserves. This means gas prices will continue to rise for profit until the release is finally done. Government intervention is causing the gas spike at this time.

IIRC the Washington Times was once owned by the Moonies, as in Rev. Moon's religious outfit.. Dunno if they still are. The Moonies bought the Evening Star IIRC which was on the brink of bankruptcy at the time.

When I was a young teen, I took over for a Post delivery boy who went off to summer camp. Had some 85 houses on my morning route, which required getting up at the ungodly hour of 4:30AM or some such, loading up my bag with a bunch of papers then putting each paper at the door or inside the screen door if the house had one. Most of the screen doors had a big spring to close them - none of that wimpy self-closing air cylinder nonsense for the hardy pioneers of the '70s. So one morning after sticking the paper inside the screen door, it slipped out of my hand and made a godawful loud bang as it slammed against the frame.

Naturally I sprinted for the next house, and luckily spotted the Star guy coming around the corner. So when the irate homeowner opened his door and yelled at me, I just pointed to the clueless Star guy 😛.

This of course explains why the Star went bankrupt some years later 😀

So the Moonies owe me big-time!

That is one shortsighted prediction. You guys just keep reaching to blame the president, without using any actual reference and the article you posted in the other thread contradicts what you say here. How can you use such double talk? For instance, when Bill Gates goes on Bloomberg and gives a statement, market conditions fluctuate. Is Bill Gates causing the adjustment? No Bill is just giving his personal opinion, speculators who are estimating risk of investment are determining what the market is going to do, not Bill Gates, however Bill is still speculating also. Obama making public a decision is not speculating, it's policy.

It's the same situation, you guys just really, really want to blame the President.

And really this comes down to exactly what OMG said in the other thread; if there was no speculators, our gas prices would be $.50+ lower than where they are now. The same thing applies for any other commodity on earth that can be speculated on. Why did we have "bubble" in the housing market? Why exactly did the dotcom "bubble" burst and leave a handful of winners and a ocean of losers? Why is gold currently at astronomical levels? Why are we paying 2x what we were for hard drives compared to a year ago (this was naturally caused, see below)?

By allowing market manipulators to artificially affect the price of a commodity it makes us all losers. Why? Because they are short selling, day trading, trying to make two dollars by spending only one rather than trying to make $1.25 or $1.50 off the commodity. This is why natural disasters can have huge impacts on natural goods, like coffee, sugar and vegetables used for manufacturing (corn, soy, etc.), and can spike significantly when there is a monsoon, flood or tornado/hurricane, driving up prices because it's creating scarcity.

Are you kidding me? Do you not follow the regular news? I don't think it necessary to cite that President Obama is talking about releasing oil from the reserve. That's in the news and something he consistently talks about as a way to combat high prices. If you can't accept that, you're a fool. President Bush often said he wouldn't do it and it wasn't an option and gas prices remained low.

Ok, that's just a given. If you fail to educate yourself to that point that's your issue, not anyone else's.

Now, if you have any knowledge of investing you know you can bet with or against the market to make money. This is speculation. Obama says he may release oil. Buy it up now, increase the demand, lower supply, force gas prices up a couple dozen cents. Force Obama to make a move. If he does, other people get rich. If he doesn't, a lot of people take a financial hit but overall the American people suffer.

This isn't about who is in office. This is plain jane simple economics.

First, when I said reference I was referring to a quantifiable impact on the market, some sort of actual measurement. I live in Southern California and pay some of the highest prices for gasoline in the country and it's been a roller coaster ride over the last year. You blame some comments on Obama, yet you completely discount the Arab spring and the continued turmoil in the Middle East, having one of the biggest suppliers, Syria, completely embargo'd. Yet it's Obama's fault...
Historical gasoline prices for California (1year & 5year):

So why are you still blaming the president? You just said it doesn't matter who is in office...

The Op/Ed you posted argues against you as well, unless I'm reading what was said wrong.

Also, when you are investing, you are gambling and speculating. Market analysts can speculate without ever taking a gamble because they don't have to use their own money, one of the problems with market speculation and that artificial influence that it is susceptible to.

If you are going to be an a$$#0le, at least have some evidence to your claim. I don't accept your BS "Obama said this, prices are going up" statement when the market changes daily and where it could be impacted in the short term, the uncertainty of oil supplies in the Middle East far outweighs the fact that the US is going to step up production. We've been stepping up production for a decade and it has had NO effect on oil prices, period.
I think hes saying just what you said here:
For instance, when Bill Gates goes on Bloomberg and gives a statement, market conditions fluctuate. Is Bill Gates causing the adjustment? No Bill is just giving his personal opinion, speculators who are estimating risk of investment are determining what the market is going to do, not Bill Gates, however Bill is still speculating also.

Just like when Jobs got ill, the market reacted.
I see it as market reaction and not politics

Now, this is a hate crime if there ever was one.
Should the MSM put up David Duke, and we all watch as he calls for justice, as they were charged for mere robbery>
Should we charge Spike Lee, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton etc for creating this scenario, and go thru civic court and nail them?
Have the MSM disown them?

Off topic: Let this be fair warning that your comments in this matter are becoming personal to your and/or attacking others. Your comments are straying towards personal attacks as opposed to a constructive conversation and/or debate. This is posted openly for everyone to remember to stay on track.


Kind of common.. a very popular leader in the area is beaten and dies. No significant outcry. Most people don't even remember it.

Those people should be fired and it should go up the chain. Time to start cleaning out all media of this kind of agenda pushing.

Hmm, sorta like Dan Rather from CBS after he fudged the "memo-gate" facts on G.W. Bush?

Journalism used to be a delicate balancing act between getting headlines and scoops, vs. journalistic responsibility. Seems to me the former has won hands down..
So what does the Trayvon Martin case shown us?

What did the Media get wrong and how could it have covered an issue like this (Unless you think its done just fine)?
There are plenty of hate crimes involving white youths and the media does not make a big deal about this why?Let MSNBC get rid of Sharpton with his bias comments and insults against whites .I guess GE who owns MSNBC kisses Sharptons ass and is afraid to discriminate against him.Sharpton is one PHONY!

You do not put racial sluirs into his mouth.
You then do not omit ongoing conversation and make it look like hes a racist.
You do not cover Al Sharpton et al, just as you do not (which they usually dont) cover others such as David Duke et al.
You find an eyewitness (there is one) and get their statement (they didnt) and find it corroborates Zimmermans story, THEN you ask the question, did the cops do enough?

That's the second comment from you today that I agree with. :)

But Sharpton has followers and people watch because of him. He brings viewers, both for and against, and that brings in money.
That is the name of the game Money and Power today .I still detest him personally.