T. Martin Incident

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Im not sure this case is about racism as much as its about there is a law that allows you to shoot someone and all you have to say is "I was attacked" and you dont even get arrested. They just let you go.

Can anyone see possible avenues for abuse?

I worry about the Black Panthers about as much as I worry about the KKK. Not very often.
The Law is not the issue. The law is fine.

The issue is if he instigated the issue. If he did, the law does not apply. If he did not, the law applies. Thus, the inquiry into his actions. Since he confronted Trayvon, it is fair to say that he initiated contact. That's fine. Did he instigate? As his statement says he was leaving the scene and had properly contacted authorities.

The question to be determined is was he really defending himself? The bullet wound on Trayvon's body will likely be the vast majority of the evidence. Being as slender as he was, it may have exited through his body giving greater proof to their story.

First, you would have close range burn marks and powder residue on the body. That would indicate close range firing.
The second, and more critical piece, will be the angle in which the bullet entered the body.

Was Trayvon standing over him when he shot? Was he walking away, backing off after having 'won' the fight?

Third, are Trayvon's fingerprints on the firearm? He stated Trayvon say and I believe went for the firearm. Therefore, it should have third party prints on it, even if not accurate.

Additional evidence may be DNA on Trayvon's fists and fingernails.

With all that evidence the court will be able to come to an accurate conclusion of the final position of both parties when the shot was fired.

In Ohio, the trick was the person had to have some form of weapon. Bare fists wasn't enough, unless they were significantly larger. I always told my girlfriend that if a guy ever approached her and she was scared, warn them to stop, if they continue to approach, draw your firearm. If they don't stop, you've met the requirements of the law and you are free to shoot. If it was a female of equal size, that didn't apply.

Myself? They'd have to have a weapon, be it a belt, a stick, a knife, or anything in their hands. That constitutes a weapon and therefore would allow me to defend myself in Ohio.

Trayvon didn't have a weapon. The wounds on Zimmerman might prove to be significant enough that self defense was required. If insignificant, that'll be a problem. What if Zimmerman had been knocked out and he had his firearm on him? That's also a concern.

Notice, Ohio does not have a clause that you must retreat. This incident took place in a home. But if you were out and about such as Zimmerman, you do not need to retreat. Although, you are not able to fire from a vehicle because you have means to get away. But Zimmerman was outside his vehicle. Trayvon didn't have a weapon, but even in Ohio this would probably gain as much attention from the authorities to determine the situation.
There is a race issue in the states which will have to be confronted with all the time especially when Obama is the president this to me is pretty unfortunate indeed.
Instead of being happy who our president is, even if you dont like his policies, you are called a racist, a hater etc.
Im proud we are better than any race, as we are a conglomeration of races, shown by this very president.

The zealots, the racists, the real haters, they come out, and the weak, the parasites all ratchet up their hatred
Where now is our strong words, our strong leaders?

Did you see the pic snapped of his Chicago re-election campaign headquarters? All white people. Interesting that he's pushing diversity in goverment, yet he doesn't instill that in his campaign.

This is what I was talking about "Potential for Abuse". He perceived a threat (Even if it was wrong) and acted on it. Imagine if no one saw it, you could say whatever you wanted to say and have it be legally justified.

This law reminds me of one of the earlier episodes of south park where the Hunting Laws were changed and you could only kill the animals if you were in danger.

So Jimbo and the other one-armed fellow were in the woods just yelling "ITS COMING RIGHT AT US!!!" killing everything that moved.

The shooter's name has not been released. The investigation is still ongoing Novel approach?
I told people Obama is a double talker.Nobody you can trust in politics today.He goes with the elite and the powerful.
Well according to the armchair lawyers & assorted experts on MSN (really gotta find a better newsite 😛), Zimmerman will have to testify on the stand if he wants to invoke the self-defense defense.

I just wonder if that special prosecutor caved to the pressure by the black community to charge him with 2nd-degree murder. The "evidence" that has leaked out so far doesn't appear to support such a charge, which would require the prosecutor to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman intentionally pursued and then shot Martin.

Anyway, there will be a hearing sometime in August from what I've read, at which time the prosecution will have to give the judge enough evidence to move forward with the trial. If there is a trial, I would bet it won't be until next year sometime, after the elections..
It is not a joke if your son or daughter were murdered! This case should have all the proof that Zimmerman killed martin and hopefully they will prove that.Zimmerman is another Charles Bronson he thinks psychologically.
You really think the media is behind this fiasco? The truth shall be told soon.

Who exactly has a problem with race?

Instead of hoping they prove Zimmerman guilty, why dont you want to know the truth. He might actually have been defending himself.
If he had had a knife, and used it for self defense, and the tragic outcome didnt change, I wonder how much traction this would get in the media?
Im not saying hes innocent, Im saying theres motives at work here, besides the re election of the prosecutor et al, at play
Defending himself against this brute of a man with skittles and ice tea.Gimme a break!Zimmerman most likely is a racist and a gun toting Bronson type person who love to be a vigilante.

I don't care if someone had panties made from feathers. If they were bashing my head into the ground and I had a gun. Guess what, I would use it the same way Zimmerman did. You have the best quote "Zimmerman most likely is a racist". Where is your thought police badge. So you are telling me if another "white Hispanic" (that's still kills me) would have done the same thing, then Zimmerman would not shot that person?
They were not bashing his head Zimmerman is full of crap and that is his only escape he tells the police.Face it Zimmerman does not like Black African American people! I guess you are another happy gun toting NRA member who shoots first and asks questions last.

Sorry, but now it seems you are convicting first and then holding a trial last. It will be interesting to see all the evidence finally, not that I have much faith in a fair jury trial however. Many of us remember quite well how OJ Simpson walked after his "jury of peers" refused to convict him:


Profiles: Who are the O.J. Simpson jurors?

28-year-old married black woman, works for the post office, high school graduate; said as a young child, she watched her father beat her mother and "as an adult I don't go for any man being abusive to me''; said she wasn't familiar with DNA; was "shocked'' to hear Simpson was a suspect.
24-year-old single black woman, works at a Los Angeles hospital, one year of college; said she has had no experience with domestic violence; said of both sides in the case: "Everybody has a lot to lose or gain.''
50-year-old divorced black woman who works as a county collections vendor, two years of college; said she "respects (Simpson) as an individual based on his past accomplishments.''
32-year-old single Hispanic man, delivers Pepsi, high school graduate; said Simpson was "a great football player.''
37-year-old married black woman, works in a post office, high school graduate; said she doesn't think Simpson "acts too well'' in movies and described the freeway pursuit that ended in Simpson's arrest as "stupid.''
38-year-old single black woman, environmental health specialist whose father was a police officer, college graduate; said the 911 tapes of Nicole Brown Simpson calling for police help as Simpson broke through her door in October 1993 "sound frightening.''
52-year-old divorced black woman, postal worker, high school graduate; described Simpson as "only human.''
22-year-old single white woman who handles insurance claims, college graduate; said she was shocked when she heard Simpson was a suspect.
43-year-old married black man who works as a phone company salesman, high school graduate; said he thought Simpson was a good football player; alternate juror until Jan. 18.
60-year-old divorced white woman who is a retired gas company clerk, one year of college; said she was the lone holdout in another murder case and managed to get other jurors to change their minds; alternate juror until March 17.
44-year-old single black woman who fixes computers and printers for county Superior Court, high school graduate; said Ms. Simpson "wasn't a saint''; had no opinion about whether Simpson is innocent or guilty; said in jury selection, "If I'm not picked, I can look at it and say, they let a good one go;'' alternate juror until April 5.
71-year-old married black woman, retired cleaning worker, completed 10th grade; said of the case: "I haven't come to no conclusion one way or the other. ... I don't know nothing about no O.J. Simpson;'' alternate juror until May 26.

I am sure the emergency response crew will testify as to Zimmerman's head injuries and broken nose..

What I find telling is the judge requiring a $150K bail when (1) Zimmerman did not flee the country during the 40+ days prior to his 2nd arrest, and (2) he voluntarily turned himself in once the 2nd degree murder charges were filed. That would indicate he is not a flight risk and that he thinks he will win on the evidence. But our legal system, as well as you and many others, seem convinced to the contrary.

Give the guy a fair trial and let all the evidence speak for itself.

I guess the red stuff on the back of his head is from the melted red skittles huh? Zimmerman hates blacks so much the he tutors them for free. Now what we don't know if he was teaching them that white Hispanics are an awesome race compared to others. How "african americans" even know what tribe they are from? A white kid from south Africa tried to get a scholarship but couldn't because he was white. So is a silly name. I guess you are another guilty white liberal. I do <3 the NRA, the help me protect myself from people you like to make excuses for. You never answered if Zimmerman would have shot a kid who was another white Hispanic or just black kids?