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On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 08:58:54 GMT, "Schrodinger" <> wrote:
>"Smeghead" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 22:35:48 GMT, "Schrodinger" <> wrote:
>>>"Smeghead" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 19:50:23 +0000 (UTC), "Adrian Ng"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>"Smeghead" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 16:53:58 GMT, "Schrodinger" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>It seems that quite a few servers are now running this "anti cheat"
>>>>>>>I have installed it as per the instructions, but still keep getting
>>>>>>>after 30 seconds.
>>>>>>>I have disabled the scripts I used to use - just in case - although
>>>>>>>could be considered as cheating - the only one that some might take
>>>>>>>exception to was the "wide sniper" - which I don't use, but from
>>>>>>>allowed you to have a small unzoomed view whilst sniping.
>>>>>>>Also, when I connect, my fire button doesn't work and the spinfuser
>>>>>>>Anyone else used this mod at all?
>>>>>> The only "anti-cheat" I have installed in Defense Turret, which,
>>>>>> unfortunately, some of the servers I like have installed as mandatory.
>>>>>> I find it to be a huge pain as I like to launch from the Classic Only
>>>>>> link, and Defense Turret launches the default Tribes Link. Which means
>>>>>> a lot of stuff gets kind of hosed from the way I like it.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> --==< S m e g h e a d >==--
>>>>>What does starting from classic only do?
>>>> Gets me around the "Your version of Tribes 2 is out of date, but
>>>> there are no updates to update Tribes 2 to the latest version" for one
>>>> thing.
>>>> If I launch DT, I get "In Order to Play Tribes 2 Online, You Must
>>>> Launch from the Supplied Shortcuts."
>>>> --
>>>> --==< S m e g h e a d >==--
>>>Thanks, but I was asking about Tribes 1!
>> I kinda injected the DT topic on your Fox thread, for that I
>> apologize. Then I replied to the off topic reply I got and got it
>> further off topic. For which, I again apologize.
>> Slightly more on topic; what exploits does T1 have? Only thing I
>> remember from the time I used to play it was:
>> Being able to suspend yourself by your head from a beacon to any
>> ceiling. And...
>> Being able to jet up through the floor of the floating bases given
>> enough jet "juice".
>> To my shame, I did exploit that bug. Once. By flying a scout over to
>> the enemy base on Scarabrae, getting below their base and thrusting
>> upwards until I was in their gen room, destroying their gens with
>> scout rocket fire. Then, rocketing the doorway to prevent repairs.
>> Those bugs were quickly patched.
>> So what exploits have the weasels out there discovered in the ensuing
>> years?
>> --
>> --==< S m e g h e a d >==--
>I didn't know there were any - that fox thing seems more like a few busy
>bodies trying to scare servers into using their mod. Whilst briefly on the
>fox enabled server, I asked if there could be a bug causing my problems and
>got flamed for it.
Typical. I really do hate anything that gets in the way of the game
itself. And these Defense Turrets and Foxes due just that.
Honestly, I have never used any scripts other than a ski script in T1.
My brother, known as u238|Janxx at the time, was a script hound. He
had what seemed like an endless myriad of scripts.
On reflection, I take that back. I did use one other script beside the
ski script... I used the fast faves deal that allowed you to pick your
faves before going into a station, bought your junk, spun you 180° and
chucked out 3 repair packs on the floor in front of you. All in the
blink of an eye.
Other than that, I was plain jane vanilla. Which is how I am in T2.
Other than 2 of DeBig's scripts; Tapthrow and Localtaunt. Tapthrow is
awesome in classic. A necessity, really. And Localtaunt is just fun.
You're not cluttering things globally with audio spam, but the little
pose, jig, verbal smack is hilarious at times.
No whacky-colored mortar explosions; movie clip voice packs; crazy
reticles; enhanced FoF indicators and all that jazz. I like it clean
as possible.
And I don't like having to use someone's 3rd party check-bot to play.
--==< S m e g h e a d >==--