
Aug 18, 2007

forgive me for the basic question but,

i would like to know if a computer preformance is effected by the emp of the cpu?


if i have an E6850 running stock (3.0Ghz) at 35C

and E6750 overclocked from 2.66 to 3.0Ghz at 45C

so basically both are running at 3.0Ghz but with diffrant temp.

so for a software that consumes CPU clock speeds, will it run at the same speed? the same preformance will be achieved?

or the overclocked E6750 will preform slower since the temp is higher?


Most modern CPU's will slow down as temps approach 70 degrees Celcius, although some will lock up all together. As long as temps don't get much above 65 degrees (full load), you shouldn't worry too much.
All else being equal other than the temps, the two CPU's will perform the same at a given task. As long as it stays under the TJunction which is the point where the CPU begins to throttle clocks to cool down. That being said, a cooler CPU will have a longer lifespan than a hotter one so it is better to try and keep it cool.


Aug 18, 2007
allright good.

in that case i'm working with E6850 3.0 on an asus P5K deluxe.

corsair XMS2 800Mhz CL4 4x2GB - 8GB

cooling - TR Ultra 120 extreme with S-flex 120mm.

monitoring with OCCT the idle temp is 37C and under full load for a one hour auto check it is stable on 55-57C.

now i am a beginer and i would like to start overclocking it, but i would like to know what is the max temp i should work with without harming my CPU?

i read some place that with 6XXX CPU's i can go upto 75C with no worries,
is that real?

75c is the MAXIMUM temp you should reach. You should try to keep it as low as possible with 75c as the limit under a full load. Try coretemp or realtemp to give you the most accurate readings. If you want to get really in depth with your temps, the Core 2 Quad and Duo Temperature Guide will give you an in depth look at how the temps are read and show you how to calibrate a program to read the proper temps.

Since this is your first time overclocking your CPU, I would recommend reading the C2D Overclocking Sticky, if you have not already. It will give you a relay good explanation on all aspects you will need to consider when overclocking your system. With your CPU, I would personally be trying for an overclock in the 3.6Ghz range.

Best of luck with your overclocking venture. If you run into any snags, give a quick post and we can help you work out the kinks!


Aug 18, 2007
thanks alot,

so far there is a 5c differ between realtemp and coretemp as the real is lower.

but i will carfully read all the guides before OC.

but i'm prety sure i'll be calling for help once again.

thanks for now,


Yup, that has been my experience also. Real reads a little lower and Core reads a little higher. It is personal preference which program you prefer but I prefer which ever reads highest. I would rater have a little more headroom than I think then less.