What I notice is missing from your reply is any rebuke to Obama's moves to have the government take a lead role in deciding what companies succeed and fail. What is also missing is any rebuke to Obama introducing social democracy into American industry. These omissions are as telling as they are undeniable.
The notion of greed being a reason why the free market is flawed is just plain laughable. A fundamental tenet of communism is, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need", and was intended to remove greed from society. But history has proven the Leaders of Communist Russia enjoyed a greater standard of living than the citizens, the ruling class in China enjoys a greater standard of living that the Chinese people. Greed does not care about economic systems. Greed is a base human instinct. Of course, anything taken to the extreme becomes a bad thing. But greed should not be viewed as a bad thing. Truly, I will never understand the narrative that wealth is bad, greed is a sin, and aspiring to move up the socio-economic ladder makes you part of the 1%. Thomas Edison was one of America's greediest industrialists, but yet we celebrate him for inventing the telephone, the light bulb, developing the electrical power grid, the phonograph, and the stock ticker to name a few. Heck, if anything, greed is a great motivator for people who believe in their individuality and personal ability to provide a skill or service that can be marketed and sold. Greed is what motivates them to make money so they can buy a home, buy a car, raise a family, and so on.
Why did we just go through a recession chunky? Answer that simple question and you will know what point I am trying to make. Quite of a few socialists think that a completely free "market" economy is the way to go, I know this doesn't jive with your perception of communist-socialist bad and democracy good but it's true. Our government decides all the time when companies succeed and fail, one prime example is the fact that mergers of all big corporations have to be approved and all the anti-trust legislation out there. Whether you like it or not chunky this example by itself means we have a mixed economy, if the said corporations operated in a free "market" economy then they would be free to merge whenever they felt like it. One of the reasons a free "market" economy is flawed is because companies can grow big enough to overcome market forces. We do not have a free "market" economy here in the U.S.
The notion that the free market in America being a failure is a false narrative. Yes, a true free market, i.e.; a laissez-faire economy has no regulations, but that is only because that is the definition of a laissez-faire economy. The reason the free market being a failure is a false narrative is because America does not have a laissez-faire economy but a free market that is unique and that was born as a result of a balance between government regulation and free market economic principles. It is a false narrative because because the American free market system is and has been the economic engine that has lead the world for the past 120 years. It is a false narrative because the American style free market economy has been the example looked at by other nations as they transitioned from Communism to a free/semi-free market.
I think you're trying to make the point that we have a "market" economy, that is false. WE have a mixed economy. This is an undeniable truth.