musical marv :
Vote for a smuck like Romney and you suffer under his regime for 4 years. This man is a liar constantly bullshitting us with his falsehoods and never ever once revealing where he lead this country in his office if he is elected president.Taking us down the road to no where.
Of course, you do realize that Obama has a proven track record of FAILURE on the economy for the last 4 years. So if Romney is as bad as you are saying, pray tell us what difference would it matter who is President?
Obama said 4 years ago that he would cut the deficit in half in 3 years, bringing down the national debt. The opposite occurred - deficit doubled and the debt went up by trillions of dollars. Now he says to please give him another chance. So, either he & his "expert advisors" didn't understand the economy 4 years ago (pretty likely since his experience as "community organizer" hardly qualified him to balance his checkbook, let alone the economy), or he doesn't understand the economy now, or - most likely - both.
OTOH, Romney ran a profitable company and brought the Olympics budget under control.
So lessee now - who you gonna believe? A proven FAILURE with demonstrated inability to do the job after 4 years of trying, or a proven SUCCESS??
Obama had his chance and it's time to move on..