Novuake :
anthony8989 :
Novuake :
anthony8989 :
AMD lost my loyalty when my dual 7790's stuttered so hard in modded Skyrim and Dead Space 3 I couldn't even play the games with both cards. And then I find out the damn things supported Crossfire without the stupid bridge, like 6 months after I bought the cards and sold them. Forgot to thank AMD for that great little secret.
Your own stupidity for XFiring lower range card before doing your research...
EDIT : No offence.
Has nothing to do with the lack of graphics power from the dual 7790s. Next time try reading my whole post. Fraps was showing 79 FPS +/- . Microstuttering from poor drivers was reducing perceived smoothness. Kthx
Did you know about the Microstuttering beforehand?
Did you know its worse the smaller the memory bus on the card is?
Did you know that generally Xfire has ALWAYS been a bad idea on low to mid range cards?
Pretty sure its yes to at least 2 of the above. In which case, you should have known better.
Hindesight is 20/20. The vast majority of information on microstuttering became widespread after the release and adoption of FCAT in reviews. I unluckily invested in crossfire before that. Microstuttering was only starting to be discussed in reviews. In addition all 4 reviews I read on 7790 crossfire at the time.mentioned nothing about it. I had to learn the hard way. So F***.